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M.Sc. Ronja Ossenbrink

Researcher and Doctoral candidate

Universität Kassel
Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften
Fachgebiet Grünlandwissenschaft und Nachwachsende Rohstoffe
Steinstr. 19
37213 Witzenhausen
Hörsaalgebäude Steinstraße

Brief introduction  (M.Sc. Ronja Ossenbrink)

Ronja Ossenbrink is working since March 2021 at the section of Grassland Science and Renewable Plant Resources at Kassel University. In her master program of organic agricultural sciences she has specialised in the characterisation of activated carbons produced from residual biomasses for the application field of wastewater treatment. She is deepening this subject in her doctoral studies which are part of the EU Interreg project THREE C - "Creating and sustaining Charcoal value chains to promote a Circular Carbon economy in NWE Europe". Her research focus is the analysis of chemical-physical properties of activated carbon and biochar and their effects on the adsorption capacity for organic micropollutants from wastewater. Research goals are the identification of residual biomasses suitable for the production of high-quality, regional carbon products and a profound understanding of the underlying adsorption mechanisms.

Research interests  (M.Sc. Ronja Ossenbrink)

  • Activated carbon-based wastewater treatment
  • Potential of residual biomasses for activated carbon / biochar production
  • Adsorption of contaminants on activated carbon 

Current research projects  (M.Sc. Ronja Ossenbrink)

THREE C - EU Interreg NWE "Creating and sustaining Charcoal value chains to promote a Circular Carbon economy in NWE Europe"