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Dr. Lukas Flinzberger


Steinstr. 19 (Raum 1.108 | Kloster)
37213 Witzenhausen

Vita  (Dr. Lukas Flinzberger)

Lukas Flinzberger studied Geography (BSc) and Environmental Management (MSc) and began his doctorate at the Chair of Social-Ecological Interactions in Agricultural Systems in Göttingen in 2018. At the end of 2023, he completed his doctoral project entitled "Geographic Indications as flagship products for sustainable landscape management in the European Union". Since January 2024, he joined the team as a postdoc researcher at the Witzenhausen campus. Since June 2024, he is working on the EU-funded Horizon project “GI SMART” to improve the sustainability of geographical indications.

Research Foci  (Dr. Lukas Flinzberger)

Lukas Flinzberger has worked primarily on the EU geographical indication (GI) label. He has analyzed the distribution and regional focus of the production of GI-certified products, as well as the socio-ecological links between the landscapes of origin and the products manufactured there. In future research projects, he aims to investigate whether and how the certification of GI products can be understood and used as a sustainability label. His focus is consistently on the holistic approach to landscapes as an important part of the value chain.

Further information and previous publications can be found on ResearchGate, or via OrcID.