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Contributions as slide presentation:

  • Retrospective 25 years of the Tropical Center (Hans Hemann)
  • Witzenhausen - a gateway to the world (Prof. Dr. Stefan Siebert)
  • Funding mechanisms for international agricultural research (Dr. Holger Kirscht)
  • Tropical cooperation across national borders (Dr. Simone Pfeiffer)
  • Cooperation between Witzenhausen and Prague - a long-standing partnership(Dr. Zbyněk Polesný)
  • Insights into the working world of a former student (Leonie Kreipe)

Press releases:

  • Unter uns - The magazine of the University Association Witzenhausen e.V.
  • Publik - The magazine of the University of Kassel
  • Twitter- (@presseunikassel)


Brown Bag Lunch Series