Collaborative project: NutriCheck - Early warning system for the evaluation of the nutrient supply in dairy herds by means of detection and evaluation of feeding and ruminanting behaviour - subproject 2

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Cooperation partner

  • Humboldt University Berlin (HU Berlin)
  • BITSz engineering GmbH
  • BIJO-DATA Information Systems GmbH


Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) Details


Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV) Details of (BMELV)

Support program

BMELV - Program to promote innovation Details of BMELV - Program to promote innovation

Contract period

01. 11. 2010 - 31. 10. 2013

Executive Institute

Universität Kassel

Collaborative project: NutriCheck - Early warning system for the assessment of nutrient supply in dairy herds by recording and evaluating feeding and rumination activities - subproject 2


The project target is to develop/establish a viable and cost efficient method for a sensor based control of the quail- and quantitative feeding and chewing behavior of dairy cows. The system enables early stage identification of suboptimal conditions and helps to maintain animal health, reduces animal mortality and increases the profitability of the business. It ensures the competitive position of the german milk-production, along with security of employment in this sector. The innovative approach lies in the gathering of feeding and chewing activity in order to extrapolate the feed intake of each animal and an evaluation of the structure value of feed ration. The project can be classified in three major stages: 1. Development of a first prototype, including preliminary field experiments. In parallel desk research regarding suitable mathematical models will be conducted as a guideline for the experiments in the second step. 2. Investigations on the quali- and quantify process relevant impacts. The results will be directly incorporated in the ongoing development. Furthermore hardware improvements will be conducted, aiming to develop a prototype 2 and the production of a relevant number of measurement-systems, in order to guarantee valid results at farms attending the experiment. 3. Field trials with the results directly incorporated in the product development. On the basis of these deliverables a risk assessment and the analysis of the ideal market-entry-strategy will be implemented.