Student´s projects and thesis

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Here are some instructions in German language about:

How to find a topic for your project or thesis and how to find a supervisor:

Thema und Betreuung für studentische Arbeiten finden

Some tips of our section about the structure and format of a thesis and how to cite literature and regulations:

Anleitung des Fachgebietes zum Schreiben von Arbeiten


Formale Gestaltung einer studentischen Arbeit

You can take part in the moodle course (German language):

Unterstützung beim Schreiben von Studienarbeiten - Schwerpunkt Tier

If you are interested in the course, please contact Kathi Zipp (


Topics offered for student work

Practical work (data collection and analysis)

Level: MSc or BSc thesis

Contact person: Zipp, Knierim

Contact: zipp[at]uni-kassel[dot]de,

Practical work, literature work

Level: MSc or BSc thesis, possibly also others

Contact person: Ebinghaus

Contact: ebinghaus[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Survey and literature or experiment 

Level: Bsc thesis, MSc thesis, project work

Contact person: Knierim

Email: uknierim[at]uni-kassel[dot]de


Level: BSc thesis, MSc thesis, project work

Contact person: Knierim


cow-bound calf rearing, small ruminants, transport, slaughter and killing of livestock incl. alternative methods e.g. grazing shot, heat stress in dairy cows, influence of suckling own or another calf on the results of Qualitative Behaviour Assessment

Experiment or literature

Level: BSC thesis, BSc project, MSc thesis, MSc project

Contact person: Zipp,

Email: zipp[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Data evaluation

Level: BSc thesis, Bsc project work, MSC project work, MSC thesis

Contact person: Gieseke


Practical work

Level: BSc Work, BSc Project, MSc Work, MSc Project

Contact person: Gieseke

Contact: daniel.gieseke[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Data analysis

Level: BSc thesis, BSc project, MSc thesis, MSc project

Contact: Jung, Gieseke

Email: lisa.jung[at]uni-kassel[dot]de, daniel.gieseke[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Data collection and literature research

Level: Bsc thesis, Msc thesis

Contact person: Franz-Wippermann, Knierim

Contact: rebecca.franz-wippermann[at]fibl[dot]org , uknierim[at]uni-kassel[dot]de


Here you find:

Student works former years