Research Project


European Commision, Sixth Framework Programme

Systematic assessment of alterations of the integument in cattle: review of methods


  • Heike Schulze Westerath
  • Ute Knierim


One aspect of animal welfare is exemption from pain, suffering and damage. When judging animal welfare under different housing or management conditions, therefore, the condition of the skin and its appendages (integument) was taken into account as one health parameter. Within the scope of the EU-project Welfare Quality® the methods applied until now were discussed critically concerning reliability and practicability. A recommendation for a standard method was formulated which can be applied within an on-farm monitoring concerning animal welfare.


  • Schulze Westerarath, H., leach, K.A., Whay, H.R., Knierim, U. (2009): Scoring of cattle: Integument alternations of dairy and beef cattle and veal calves. In: Forkman, B., Keeling, L. (eds.): Assessment of animal welfare measures for dairy cattle, beef bulls and veal calves. Welfare Quality reports 11, Cardiff, UK, 43-50

In cooperation with

  • K. Leach, H. R. Whay, University of Bristol

