Research Project
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In collaboration with
Institut de l'Elevage, France; INRA, France; Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Austria; Università degli Studi di Padova-Dipartimento di Scienze Zootecniche, Italy; ASG, Wageningen UR, Nether-lands; UASVM, Romania; Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien, Austria; IRTA, Spain
European Commission (SANCO/2008/D5/018)
Alternatives to cattle dehorning
Project text
In the majority of German dairy farms, calves are routinely dehorned in order to improve work safety for farmers and to avoid horn injuries or injuries caused by horn bumps among the animals. As the procedure can be carried out by the farmer without anaesthetic up to the age of 6 weeks, it is associated with considerable pain and stress for the calves. For farmers who keep horn-bearing cows, there are some practical recommendations on husbandry and management to avoid problems for cows and farmers. However, there is only limited scientific research to back up these recommendations. Moreover, no clear recommendations can be given for some aspects of husbandry and management. The aim of the project is therefore to provide an overview of the current state of dehorning practice and the possibilities for implementing alternatives to dehorning, as well as to determine the requirements for keeping horned cows in the most animal-friendly way possible.
The status quo with regard to dehorning practice in Germany (including timing, methods, medication used) and the keeping of horned cows is recorded in written surveys of farmers and experts from the field. Qualitative information on the background, problems and perspectives of dehorning practice and alternatives to it will be collected in focus group discussions with farmers. Based on existing practical experience and research results, the requirements for keeping horn-bearing cows are discussed.
- Nora Irrgang
- Beatrice Roth
- Katharina Zipp
- Sarah Brandt
- Ute Knierim
- Kling Eveillard, F., Irrgang, N., Knierim, U., Gottardo, F., Ricci, R., Dockès, A.-C. (2009): Farmers' attitude towards the practice of dehorning. Final report, ALCASDE Projekt, 27p.
- Knierim, U., Irrgang, N., Roth, B.A., Gorniak, T.(2009): Report on the assessment of dehorning and the keeping of horned dairy and beef cattle. Final Report, ALCASDE Projekt, 42 p.
- Cozzi, G.,Prevedello, P., Bouka, A., Winckler, C., Knierim, U. Pentelescu, O., Windig, I., Mirabito, L., Kling Eveillard, F., Dockes, A.C., Veissier, I., Velarde, A., Fuentes, C., Dalmau, A. (2009): Report on the assessment of dehorning practices across Eu member states. Final report, ALCASDE Projekt, 140p.