Research Project

Development of decision support tool for minimising feather and vent pecking


Feather and vent pecking in laying hens still impose a widespread threat to the welfare of the birds and therefore more knowledge on the relative importance of different risk factors for feather and vent pecking, particular during the likely most important rearing period, is needed. Aim of the study is to develop a decision support tool for minimising feather and vent pecking in laying hens kept in non-cage systems. A theoretical model of risk factors for feather and vent pecking based on literature and expert opinion has been developed. To test the model 50 data sets, each consisting of data from one rearing and two subsequent laying units, will be analysed by using advanced multivariate statistics. Data comprises bodily state and mortality of hens, results from farmer-interviews and parameters recorded from the husbandry system.


  • Staack, M., Gruber, B., Keppler, C., Zaludik, K., Niebuhr, K., Knierim, U. (2009): Brustbeindeformationen bei Legehennen aus ökologisch wirtschaftenden Betrieben in Deutschland und
    Österreich. Landbauforschung, vTI Agriculture and Forestry Research, Sonderheft 332, 47-54
  • Staack, M., Gruber, B., Keppler, C., Zaludik, K., Niebuhr, K., Knierim, U. (2008): Maßnahmen gegen Federpicken bei ökologisch gehaltenen Legehennen. Ergebnisse einer
    epidemiologischen Untersuchung. Landbauforschung, vTI Agriculture and Forestry Research, Sonderheft 320, 131-141
  • Staack, M., Gruber, B., Keppler, C., Zaludik, K., Niebuhr, K., Knierim, U. (2007): Bedeutung der Aufzucht der Legehennen für alternative Haltungsformen. Dtsch. tierärztl.
    Wschr. 114, 86-90<
  • Staack, M., Gruber, B., Keppler, Ch., Zadulik, K., Niebuhr, K., Knierim, U. (2006): Verhaltensprobleme in alternativen Legehennenhaltungen. Landbauforschung Völkenrode, Sonderheft
    302, 33-44
  • Knierim, U., Staack, M., Gruber, B., Keppler, C., Zaludik, K., Niebuhr, K. (2008): Risk factors for feather pecking in organic laying hens – starting points for prevention in the housing environment. In: Neuhoff et al. (Hrsg.): Cultivating the future based on science. Proc. 2nd Scientific Conference of ISOFAR, Modena, 18.-20.6.08, S. 32-35
  • Staack, M., Gruber, B., Keppler, Ch., Zadulik, K., Niebuhr, K., Knierim, U. (2008): Injurious pecking in laying hens: risk factors during rearing and laying phase in conventional and organic flocks. In: Applied ethology. Addressing future challenges in animal agriculture. Proc. 42nd Congress of the ISAE, Dublin, 05.-09.08., 24
  • Staack, M., Gruber, B., Keppler, C., Zaludik, K., Niebuhr, K., Knierim, U. (2008): Development of a decision support tool for minimising feather and vent pecking. Interner Endbericht im Rahmen des EU-Projektes Welfare Quality, Projekt 3.3.2, Bericht D3.20.1, D3.20.2, 78 S.


2004 – 2007


This study was financed by the Welfare Quality® project. European Commision, Sixth Framework Programme.

In cooperation with

  • Christiane Keppler
  • Maja Günther
  • Bettina Gruber, Katrina Zaludikm, Knut Niebuhr, Institute of Animal Husbandry and Animal Welfare, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna


  • Marion Staack
  • Ute Knierim