Research Project



The human-animal relationship of horned dairy cows kept in loose housing systems


  • Susanne Waiblinger
  • Detlef W. Fölsch


On 35 farms with horned dairy cows in loose-housing systems the human-animal relationship was scrutinized with the help of interviews about the management, observation of the behaviour of the stockman, and the reaction of the cows when confronted with an unfamiliar test person. A significant association between the behaviour of the stockman and the avoidance distance of the cows towards the test person was found. A good human-animal relationship was correlated with calm social behaviour of the cows and decreased injury rats. Therfore, combined with a problem oriented management it is favourable for loose-housing systems.


  • Waiblinger, S., C. Menke und D.W. Fölsch (1995): Effects of personality of stockmen on interactions with their dairy cows. In: Animals, health and quality of life. Professional Development Forum of the 7th Intern. Conf. on Human-Animal Interactions, Genf, 06.-09.09., 42
  • Waiblinger, S., C. Menke und D.W. Fölsch (1995): Laufstallhaltung behornter Milchkühe - Der Einfluß der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung. In: Deutsche Veterinärmedizinsche Gesellschaft (DVG): 21. Kongress der DVG, Bad Nauheim, 23.-25.03., 206 - 211
  • Waiblinger, S. (1996): Die Mensch-Tier-Beziehung bei der Laufstallhaltung von behornten Milchkühen. (Tierhaltung, Bd. 24) Univ. GH Kassel, Fachgebiet Nutztierethologie, Witzenhausen 130 S. (ISBN 3-88122-871-3)
  • Waiblinger, S., Menke, C., Fölsch, D.W. (1997): Zur-Mensch-Tier-Beziehung in der Rinderhaltung. In: Fachgebiet Nutztierethologie und artgemäße Tierhaltung und  Beratung Artgerechte Tierhaltung (Hrsg.): Ökologische Rinderhaltung. Tierhaltung Bd.  25, Universität Kassel, Gesamthochschulbibliothek Kassel, 195-204
  • Waiblinger, S., Menke, C., Fölsch, D.W. (2000): Social behaviour of horned dairy cows in loose housing systems. In: Alföldi, T., Lockeretz, W., Niggli, U. (eds.): Proc.13th Int. IFOAM Conf. (Int. Fed. Org. Agr. Movements), Basel, 28.-31.08., vdf Hochschulverlag, Zürich, 337
  • Waiblinger, S., Menke, C., Fölsch, D.W. (2003): Influences on the avoidance and approach behaviour of dairy cows towards humans on 35 farms. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 84, 23-39

Further publications in the German agricultural press under: Publications between 1993-2007


Kanton Zurich and animal welfare organizations