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EGF2021 Symposium 'Sensing - New Insights into Grassland Science and Practice'.

The21st EGF Symposium will take place on 17-19 May 2021 online, hosted by the University of Kassel (Germany).

The EGF Symposium in 2021 will address an innovative and dynamic research area - namely the application of remote sensing for improving the assessment of biomass, forage quality and ecosystem services of grasslands.

More information can be found on the EGF2021 website.

Save the Date: GPW Annual Conference 2019

The 62. Meeting of the Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften e. V. will take place on 10-12.09.2019 at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 

There will be a meeting of the working group "Remote Sensing Methods in Crop Science".

More information will follow soon.

More info: Homepage GPW

Workshop "Remote Sensing in Nature Conservation - Control of Invasive Species and Conservation of Biodiversity".

Cordial invitation to the remote sensing workshop in the Rhön Biosphere Reserve. The aim of the workshop is to highlight the new possibilities of remote sensing in nature conservation grassland using selected examples. For this purpose, experts from nature conservation and science could be won for lectures. There will also be an opportunity to discuss the opportunities and strengths as well as the risks and weaknesses of the new methods. Finally, some remote sensing systems will be presented during a field trip to DBU project areas for the management of the invasive perennial lupine.

More information: Program

DGPF Conference 2018

DGPF Conference 2018


EGF Working Group Meeting "Sensing in grassland and forage science and practice" 2018

EGF Working Group Meeting "Sensing in grassland and forage science and practice" 2018.
