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International Agricultural Policy and Environmental Governance

Wel­co­me to the sec­tion “In­ter­na­tio­nal Agri­cul­tu­ral Po­li­cy and En­vi­ron­men­tal Go­ver­nan­ce”

If you are interested in research and teaching on European and International Agricultural and Environmental Policy and Governance and a critical evaluation of its impacts on regional and local social-ecological food systems and the natural environment then you visited the right place. In order to address these topics under the overarching frame of Ecological Economics we use institutional economics and political science approaches as well as approaches drawing on critical geography. Current research foci are:


European Agricultural and Environmental Policy with specific consideration of Organic Agriculture:
• Water and biodiversity management
• Climate change adaptation
• Pastoralism
• Aspects of transformations of land use


Comparative research relying on multiple methods

Science dialogues


The development of the concept of polycentricity for the analysis of governance in the agricultural and environmental sectors

Polycentricity Network Webinar Series


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