
AURORA Webinar Series | Webinar #2 | 13 October at 5PM CET

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Mediterranean Food ‎Systems in Crisis and Conflict by Professor Rami Zurayk

Speaker’s short biography: Rami Zurayk is a professor at the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences (FAFS) at the American ‎University of Beirut (AUB), Landscape Design and Ecosystem Management Department. He is the ‎director of the Food Security Program and Interim Coordinator of the Rural Community Development ‎Program at FAFS. ‎

He was a member of the Steering Committee of the High-Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and ‎Nutrition (HLPE) of the Committee of World Food Security (CFS), and a commissioner on the EAT-‎Lancet commission on sustainable diets from sustainable food systems. He is a founding member of ‎the Arab Food Sovereignty Network, an advisory board member of Social and Economic Action for ‎Lebanon (SEAL) and an advisory board member for the Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and ‎Community Development. ‎

He has worked and written extensively on the Arab World, focusing on the political ecology of Arab ‎food security and its linkages with the agrarian question. His latest work on the subject includes: ‎authoring the FAO’s regional office yearly report, Regional Overview of Food and Nutrition Security in ‎the ‎Near East and North Africa Region 2020-21, Pandemic and Food Security (JAFSCD, 2020), Social Life, ‎from Rural to Urban (Routledge, 2019), Crisis and Conflict in Agriculture (CABI, 2018), The Agrarian ‎Roots of the Arab Uprisings (with Anne Gough, Cambridge, 2014); Control Food, Control People: The ‎Struggle for Food Security in Gaza (with Anne Gough, IPS, 2013) Food, Farming and Freedom: Sowing ‎the Arab Spring (Just World Books, 2011). ‎

He obtained his BSc and MSc from the American University of Beirut and his DPhil from Oxford ‎University. ‎


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