12/09/2021 | Internationale Agrarpolitik und Umweltgovernance | Fachgebiet + Startseite Fachbereich

Section organizes stakeholder workshops in Tunis on Sustainable Land Management in Rainfed Agriculture in Tunisia

Land degradation and water scarcity in Tunisia are very advanced, and further exacerbated by climate change. In this context, the GIZ-funded project GovSoil evaluates the role of agricultural, environmental, market and forest policies, as well as their coordination and coherence, for sustainable land management in Tunisia (Part I). Furthermore, the project develops modules for an interdisciplinary curriculum at two Tunisian universities for sustainable agriculture with a focus on soil and water conservation (Part II). The project is carried out in close cooperation with partners in Tunisia, the Institution of Agricultural Research and High Education (IRESA), National Institute of Agronomy of Tunisia (INAT) and the High School of Agriculture of Mograne (ESA Mograne).

In the first week of November 2021, Prof. Dr. Andreas Thiel together with section members and project partners organized two stakeholder workshops in Tunisia: On November 2, 45 representatives of administration and science discussed and validated preliminary results on the policy analysis. Furthermore, on November 3-4, two modules on the topics of agroecology and governance of sustainable agriculture were developed with the partner universities INAT and ESAM. Particularly noteworthy were the presentations by Prof. Dr. Andreas Bürkert on agroecological transformations of land use in oasis systems and problem-oriented learning; and by Holger Mittelstraß on competence-oriented learning and teaching formats, both of whom were also present in Tunis and supported the project. In addition, Prof. Stephan Peth gave an online lecture on sustainable soil management as an essential aspect of agricultural systems.