Thiel, A., Schütze, N., Buhrow, A., Fouzai, A., 2024. State infrastructural power in a neopatrimonialist democratization context: Why Tunisian sustainable land management fails. Review of Policy Research TBD. |
Lakshmisha, A., Thiel, A., 2023. Legitimacy, Shared Understanding and Exchange of Resources: Co-managing Lakes Along an Urban-Rural Gradient in Greater Bengaluru Metropolitan Region, India. Environmental management 71, 523–537. |
Köpke, S., Withanachchi, S.S., Pathiranage, R., Withanachchi, C.R., Gamage, D.U., Nissanka, T.S., Warapitiya, C.C., Nissanka, B.M., Ranasinghe, N.N., Senarathna, C.D., Schleyer, C., Thiel, A., Perera, C., Dissanayake, H.R., 2023. Human‑elephant conflict in the Sri Lankan dry zone: investigating social and geographical drivers through field‑based methods. GeoJournal 88, 5153–5172. |
Baldwin, E., Thiel, A., McGinnis, M.D., Kellner, E., 2023. Empirical Research on Polycentric Governance: Critical Gaps and a Framework for Studying Long-Term Change. Policy Studies Journal 52, 319–348. |
Pahl-Wostl, C., Dombrowsky, I., Lenschow, A., Thiel, A., 2023. Special Issue - Pathways towards enhanced capacity in water governance to deal with complex management challenges. Environmental Science & Policy TBD. |
Schlecht, E., Gaßmann, M., Altrock, U., Thiel, A., 2023. Special Issue "Rural-Urban Transformation of Asian Megacities from a Social-Ecological Systems Perspective’’. Sustainability 15, TBD. |
Götz, A., Hussein, H., Thiel, A., 2023. Polycentric governance and agroecological practices in the MENA region: insights from Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia. International Journal of Water Resources Development TBD. |
Schütze, N., Thiel, A., Villamayor-Tomas, S., 2022. Coordination across the policy cycle: Uncovering the political economy of river basin management in Spain. Environmental Science & Policy 135, 182–190. |
Kimmich, C., Ehlers, M.H., Kellner, E., Oberlack, C., Thiel, A., Villamayor-Tómas, S., 2022. Special Issue - Networks of Action Situations in Socio-Ecologial Systems Research. Sustainability Science 18, 1–10. |
Lakshmisha, A., Thiel, A., 2022. Bridging Actors and Their Role in Co-Managing Lakes: Cases from Greater Bengaluru Metropolitan Region (GBMR). Journal Sustainability 14, 2071–1050. |
Villamayor-Tómas, S., Thiel, A., Baldwin, E., Stephan, M., 2021. Special Issue - Beyond the government-market-communities trichotomy: conditions and instruments for cooperative interactions in natural resource and agri-environmental governance. Journal of Environmental Management TBD. |
Soliman, A., Thiel, A., Roggero, M., 2021. Institutional Performance of Collective Irrigation Systems: A Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis in the Nile Delta of Egypt. Sustainability 13, TBD. |
Ali, M.A., Karim, M.R., Ahmed, K., Mondol, M.A.S., 2021. Perception of Farmers on Maize as a Potential Crop for Climate Change Adaptation in Northern Bangladesh. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 11–21. |
Köpke, S., Withanachchi, S.S., Pathiranage, R., Withanachchi, C.R., Gamage, D.U., Nissanka, T.S., Warapitiya, C.C., Nissanka, B.M., Ranasinghe, N.N., Senarathna, C.D., Schleyer, C., Thiel, A., 2021. Human-elephant conflict in Sri Lanka: a critical review of causal explanations. Sustainability 13, 8625. |
Köpke, S., 2021. Reinvigorating a political ecology of the global agri-food system. Fennia - International Journal of Geography 89–103. |
Al-Saidi, M., Hussein, H., 2021. The water-energy-food nexus and COVID-19: Towards a systematization of impacts and responses. Science of the Total Environment 779, 146529. |
Köpke, S., 2021. Contested Conservation, Ethnopolitics, and the State: The Case of Wilpattu Forest Complex, Sri Lanka. Conservation & Society 19, 57–67. |
El Nour, S., Elaydi, H., Hussein, H., 2021. Thirst revolution: practices of contestation and mobilisation in rural Egypt. Contemporary Levant 131, 1–16. |
Arficho, M.T., Thiel, A., 2020. Does Land-Use Policy Moderate Impacts of Climate Anomalies on LULC Change in Dry-Lands? An Empirical Enquiry into Drivers and Moderators of LULC Change in Southern Ethiopia. Sustainability 12, 1–22. |
Hussein, H., Natta, A., Yehya, A.A., Hamadna, B., 2020. Syrian Refugees, Water Scarcity, and Dynamic Policies: How Do the New Refugee Discourses Impact Water Governance Debates in Lebanon and Jordan? Water 12, 325. |
Hussein, H., Lambert, L., 2020. A Rentier State under Blockade: Qatar’s Water-Energy-Food Predicament from Energy Abundance and Food Insecurity to a Silent Water Crisis. Water 12, 1051. |
Hussein, H., Conker, A., Grandi, M., 2020. Small is beautiful but not trendy: Understanding the allure of big hydraulic works in the Euphrates-Tigris and Nile waterscapes. Mediterranean Politics 53, 1–24. |
Adamseged, M.E., Frija, A., Thiel, A., 2020. Corrigendum to "Dynamics of rural livelihoods and rainfall variability in Northern Ethiopian Highlands’’. Climate Risk Management 28, 100214. |
Karim, M.R., Karim, M.R., Meem, M.A., Rahman, M.S., Noman, M.R.F., Huda, S., 2020. Use and Role of Mobile Phone for Information Services in Agricultural Activities. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics {&} Sociology 102–110. |
Köpke, S., 2020. Book Review: Khaki Capital. The Political Economy of the Military in Southeast Asia, Eds. Paul Chambers and Napisa Waitoolkiat. Asien TBD. |
Stanzel, J., Krott, M., Schusser, C., 2020. Power alliances for biodiversity—Results of an international study on community forestry. Land Use Policy TBD. |
Pe’er, G., Bonn, A., Bruelheide, H., Dieker, P., Eisenhauer, N., Feindt, P.H., Hagedorn, G., Hansjürgens, B., Herzon, I., Lomba, Â., Marquardt, K.A., Moreira, F., Nitsch, H., Oppermann, R., Perino, A., Röder, N., Schleyer, C., Schindler, S., Wolf, C., Zinngrebe, Y., Lakner, S., 2020. Action needed for the EU Common Agricultural Policy to address sustainability challenges. People and Nature x 305–316. |
Zingraff-Hamed, A., Schröter, B., Schaub, S., Lepenies, R., Stein, U., Meyer, C., Schleyer, C., Schmeier, S., Pusch, M.T., 2020. Perception of bottlenecks in the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive. Water Alternatives 13, 458–483. |
Riad, P.H.S., Graefe, S., Hussein, H., Bürkert, A., 2020. Landscape transformation processes in two large and two small cities in Egypt and Jordan over the last five decades using remote sensing data. Landscape and Urban Planning 197, 103766. |
Schirpke, U., Scolozzi, R., Dean, G., Haller, C.A., Jäger, H., Kister, J., Kovács, B., Sarmiento, F.O., Sattler, B., Schleyer, C., 2020. Cultural ecosystem services in mountain regions: Conceptualising conflicts among users and limitations of use. Ecosystem Services 101210. |
Götz, A., Richter, I., Gotchev, B., Nicolaus, K., 2020. Introduction to the Special Issue Reform or revolution: What is at stake in democratic sustainability transformations. Sustainability: Science, Policy, Practice 16, 335–352. |
Sandri, S., Hussein, H., Alshyab, N., 2020. Sustainability of the Energy Sector in Jordan: Challenges and Opportunities. Sustainability 12, 10465. |
Conker, A., Hussein, H., 2020. Hydropolitics and issue-linkage along the Orontes River Basin: an analysis of the Lebanon-Syria and Syria-Turkey hydropolitical relations. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 20, 103–121. |
Mudombi-Rusinamhodzi, G., Thiel, A., 2020. Property rights and the conservation of forests in communal areas in Zimbabwe. Forest Policy and Economics 121, 102315, 1–14. |
Pahl-Wostl, C., Knieper, C., Lukat, E., Meergans, F., Schoderer, M., Schütze, N., Schweigatz, D., Dombrowsky, I., Lenschow, A., Stein, U., Thiel, A., Tröltzsch, J., Vidaurre, R., 2020. Enhancing the capacity of water governance to deal with complex management challenges: A framework of analysis. Environmental Science & Policy 107, 23–35. |
Liptrot, T., Hussein, H., 2020. Between regulation and targeted expropriation: Rural-to-urban groundwater reallocation in Jordan. Water Alternatives 13, 864–885. |
Pe’er, G., Zinngrebe, Y., Moreira, F., Sirami, C., Schindler, S., Müller, R., Bontzorlos, V., Clough, D., Bezák, P., Bonn, A., Hansjürgens, B., Lombardi, A., Möckel, S., Passoni, G., Schleyer, C., Schmidt, J., Lakner, S., 2019. A greener path for the EU Common Agricultural Policy. Science 365 449–451. |
Villamayor-Tómas, S., Thiel, A., Amblard, L., Blanco, E., Zikos, D., 2019. Diagnosing the role of the state for local collective action: types of action situations and policy instruments. Environmental Science & Policy TBD. |
Köpke, S., 2019. Territorialising Chinese Inner Asia: The Neo-Developmentalist State and Minority Unrest. International Quarterly for Asian Studies 50, 137–156. |
Hauck, J., Schleyer, C., Priess, J.A., Veerkamp, C.J., Dunford, R., Alkemade, R., Berry, P., Primmer, E., Kok, M., Young, J.C., Haines-Young, R., Harrison, P.A., Bela, G., Vadineanu, A., Görg, C., 2019. Combining policy analyses, exploratory scenarios, and integrated modelling to assess land use policy options. Environmental Science & Policy 202–210. |
Nagendra, B., Lakshmisha, A., Agarwal, P., 2019. Mobile application in municipal waste tracking: a pilot study of ``PAC waste tracker’’ in Bangalore city, India. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 21, 705–712. |
Pansera, M., Ehlers, M.-H., Kerschner, C., 2019. Unlocking wise digital techno-futures: Contributions from the Degrowth community. Futures 114, 102474. |
Adamseged, M., Frija, A., Thiel, A., 2019. Dynamics of rural livelihoods and rainfall variability in Northern Ethiopian Highlands. Climate Risk Management 25, 100195. |
Kasymov, U., Thiel, A., 2019. Understanding the Role of Power in Changes to Pastoral Institutions in Kyrgyzstan. International Journal of the Commons 13, 931–948. |
Ali Omer, M.M., Ali Omar, M.M., Abdelaziz, M.A., Thiel, A., Elbashir, A.A., 2019. Liquid Chromatographic and Spectrophotometric Determination of Taurine in Energy Drinks Based on O-Phthalaldehyde-Sulfite Derivatization. Journal of Food Chemistry {&} Nanotechnology 05, 1–7. |
Köpke, S., 2018. Sri Lanka: Rekonfiguration des Singhalesischen Nationalismus? Asien TBD. |
Zanella, M., Götz, A., Rist, S., Schmidt, O.G., 2018. Deliberation in multi-stakeholder participation: a heuristic framework applied to the Committee on World Food Security. Sustainability TBD. |
Götz, A., Searchinger, T., Beringer, T., German, L., McKay, B., 2018. Reply to Commentary on the Special Issue Scaling up biofuels? A critical look at expectations, performance and governance. Energy Policy 658–665. |
Roggero, M., Villamayor-Tomas, S., Oberlack, C., Eisenack, K., Bisaro, A., Hinkel, J., Thiel, A., 2018. Introduction to the special issue on adapting institutions to climate change. Journal of Institutional Economics 14, 1–14. |
Kerschner, C., Wächter, P., Nierling, L., Ehlers, M.-H., 2018. Degrowth and Technology: Towards feasible, viable, appropriate and convivial imaginaries. Journal of Cleaner Production 197, 1619–1636. |
Withanachchi, Sisira Saddhamangal, Köpke, S., Withanachchi, Sisira S., Pathiranage, R., Ploeger, A., Withanachchi, C.R., 2018. Social-ecological dynamics in irrigated agriculture in dry zone Sri Lanka: a political ecology. Sustainable Water Resources Management 2, 189. |
Hussein, H., Menga, F., Greco, F., 2018. Monitoring Transboundary Water Cooperation in SDG 6.5.2: How a Critical Hydropolitics Approach Can Spot Inequitable Outcomes. Sustainability 10, 3640. |
Van Riper, C.J., Thiel, A., Penker, M., Michael, B., Landon, A.C., Thomsen, J.M., Tucker, C.M., 2018. Incorporating multilevel values into the social-ecological systems framework. Ecology and Society 23, TBD. |
Thiel, A., Moser, C., 2018. Toward comparative institutional analysis of polycentric social-ecologicalal systems governance. Environmental Policy and Governance 28, 269–283. |
Thiel, A., Omer, M., Omar, M., Elbashir, A.A., 2018. High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Methods for Analysis of Taurine in Energy Drinks after Pre-column Derivatization. Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry 13, TBD. |
Potschin-Young, M., Haines-Young, R., Görg, C., Heink, U., Jax, K., Schleyer, C., 2018. Understanding the role of conceptual frameworks: Reading the ecosystem service cascade. Ecosystem Services 428–440. |
Saarikoski, H., Primmer, E., Schleyer, C., Young, J.C., 2018. Institutional challenges in putting ecosystem service knowledge in practice. Ecosystem Services 579–598. |
Karim, M.R., Thiel, A., 2017. Role of community based local institution for climate change adaptation in the Teesta riverine area of Bangladesh. Climate Risk Management 2017, 92–103. |
Abdul-Salam, Y., Ehlers, M.-H., Harnmeijer, J., 2017. Anaerobic Digestion of Feedstock Grown on Marginal Land: Break-Even Electricity Prices. Energies 10, 1416. |
German, L., Götz, A., Searchinger, T., Weigelt, J., 2017. Sine Qua Nons of sustainable biofuels: Distilling implications of under- performance for national biofuel programs. Energy Policy 806–817. |
Thiel, A., 2017. The Scope of Polycentric Governance Analysis and Resulting Challenges. Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics 5, 52–82. |
Hopkins, J., Sutherland, L.-A., Ehlers, M.-H., Matthews, K., Barnes, A., Toma, L., 2017. Scottish farmers’ intentions to afforest land in the context of farm diversification. Forest Policy and Economics 78, 122–132. |
Hauck, J., Schindler, S., Dittrich, A., Zingg, S., Tscharntke, Oppermann, R., Sutcliffe, L.M.E., Sirami, C., Schmidt, J., Hoyer, C., Schleyer, C., 2017. Adding some green to the greening: improving the EU’s Ecological Focus Areas for biodiversity and farmers. Conservation Letters 10, 517–530. |
Lakshmisha, A., Agarwalla, P., 2017. Improving Water Security in Peri-Urban Areas Around Bangalore. Journal of Global Resources 71–81. |
Hunsberger, C., German, L., Götz, A., 2017. „Unbundling” the biofuel promise: Querying the ability of liquid biofuels to deliver on socio-economic policy expectations. Energy Policy 791–805. |
Götz, A., German, L., Weigelt, J., 2017. Scaling up biofuels? A critical look at expectations, performance and governance Energy Policy TBD. |
Götz, A., German, L., Hunsberger, C., Schmidt, O.G., 2017. Do no harm? Risk perceptions in national bioenergy policies and actual mitigation performance. Energy Policy 776–790. |
Roggero, M., Thiel, A., 2017. Adapting as usual: integrative and segregative institutions shaping adaptation to climate change in local public administrations. Journal of Institutional Economics 14, 1–22. |
Schleyer, C., Lux, A., Mehring, M., Görg, C., 2017. Ecosystem Services as a boundary concept: Social-ecological perspectives on a contested concept and the need for inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration. Sustainability 9, 1107. |
Thiel, A., Schleyer, C., Hinkel, J., Schlüter, M., Hagedorn, K., Bisaro, S., Bobojonov, I., Hamidov, A., 2016. Transferring Williamson’s discriminating alignment to the analysis of environmental governance of social-ecological interdependence. Ecological Economics 128, 159–168. |
Götz, A., 2015. How different are the UK and China? Investor countries in comparative perspective. Canadian Journal of Development Studies 36, TBD. |
Thiel, A., 2015. Constitutional state structure and scalar re-organization of natural resource governance: The transformation of polycentric water governance in Spain, Portugal and Germany. Land Use Policy 45, 176–188. |
Thiel, A., Zikos, D., Mukhtarov, F., 2015. Crafting or designing? Science and politics for purposeful institutional change in Social-Ecological Systems. Environmental Science & Policy Volume 53, 81–86. |
Thiel, A., Adamseged, M.E., Baake, C., 2015. Evaluating an instrument for institutional crafting: How Ostrom’s social--ecological systems framework is applied. Environmental Science & Policy 152–164. |
Hamidov, A., Thiel, A., Zikos, D., 2015. Institutional design in transformation: A comparative study of local irrigation governance in Uzbekistan. Environmental Science & Policy 53, 175–191. |
Karlberg, L., Hoffmann, H., Flores-López, F., Götz, A., Matuschke, I., 2015. Tackling biomass scarcity: from vicious to virtuous cycles in sub-Saharan Africa. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability TBD. |
Schleyer, C., Görg, C., Hauck, J., Winkler, K.J., 2015. Opportunities and Challenges for Mainstreaming the Ecosystem Services Concept in the Multi-level Policy-Making within the EU. Ecosystem Services 174–181. |
Villamayor-Tomas, S., Fleischman, F.D., Perez Ibarra, I., Thiel, A., van Laerhoven, F., 2014. Conceptualizing resource and institutional dynamics in the Rhine watershed through the SES framework. International Journal of the Commons 8, 361–395. |
Villamayor-Tomas, S., Fleischman, F.D., Perez Ibarra, I., Thiel, A., van Laerhoven, F., 2014. Conceptualizing large scale common pool resources through the SES framework: resource and institutional dynamics in the Rhine watershed. International Journal of the Commons 8, 361–395. |
Thiel, A., 2014. The scalar reorganisation of resource governance as institutional change: analysing the transformation of water governance in Southern Spain. Environmental Policy and Governance TBD. |
Withanachchi, S.S., Köpke, S., Withanachchi, C., Pathiranage, R., Ploeger, A., 2014. Water Resource Management in Dry Zonal Paddy Cultivation in Mahaweli River Basin, Sri Lanka: An Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Climate Change Impacts and Traditional Knowledge. Climate 2, 329–354. |
Thiel, A., 2014. Developing an analytical framework for reconstructing the scalar reorganization of water governance as institutional change: The case of Southern Spain. Ecological Economics 107, 378–391. |
Thiel, A., 2013. Scalar reorganisation of marine governance in Europe? The implementation of the marine strategy framework directive in Spain, Portugal and Germany. Marine Policy 39, 322–332. |
Farrell, K.N., Thiel, A., 2013. Guest Editorial - Nudging Evolution? Critical exploration of the potential and limitations of the concept of institutional fit for the study and adaptive management of social-ecological systems. Ecology and Society 18, 47. |
Zikos, D., Thiel, A., 2013. Action Research’s Potential to Foster Institutional Change for Urban Water Management. Water 5, 356–378. |
Thiel, A., Schleyer, C., Plieninger, T., 2012. Wolves are Mobile, While Fruit Trees are not! How Characteristics of Resources and Supranational Regulatory Frameworks Shape the Provision of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Germany. Environmental Policy and Governance 22, 189–204. |
Meyer, C., Thiel, A., 2012. Institutional change in water management collaboration: implementing the European Water Framework Directive in the German Odra river basin. Water Policy 14, 625–646. |
Thiel, A., Egerton, C., 2011. Re-scaling of Resource Governance as institutional change: The case of water governance in Portugal. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 54, 383–402. |
Thiel, A., 2010. Constructing a strategic, national resource: European policies and the up-scaling of water services in the Algarve, Portugal. Environmental management 46, 44–59. |
Thiel, A., 2010. Ecological modernisation and the scalar level of contradictions in Southern European water politics: the case of the Odelouca Dam in Portugal. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 28, 492–511. |
Thiel, A., 2010. Institutions Shaping Coastal Ecosystems: The Algarve Case. Coastal Management 38, 144–164. |
Thiel, A., 2009. Europeanization and the rescaling of water services: Agency and state spatial strategies in the Algarve, Portugal. Water Alternatives 2, 225–244. |
Thiel, A., 2009. The use of ex-ante modelling tools in European Impact Assessment: What role does land use play? Land Use Policy 26, 1138–1148. |
Plieninger, T., Thiel, A., Bens, O., Hüttl, R.F., 2009. Pathways and pitfalls of implementing the use of woodfuels in Germany’s bioenergy sector. Biomass and Bioenergy 33, 384–392. |
Thiel, A., 2008. Changing administrative culture and political debate? A review of Impact Assessment practices in the European Commission. Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik & Umweltrecht 31, 5–28. |
Thiel, A., 2004. Transboundary resource management in the EU: transnational welfare maximization and transboundary water sharing on the Iberian peninsula? Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 47, 331–350. |