Alle Meldungen


  • 05.Februar 2025

    Vortrag | Studium

    Real anger and fake news

    Dear all, you are cordially invited to our next Guest lecture of Puzzle Pieces for Change - Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Agriculture and the Food System. More information below.  Before the event, you can attend a brief introduction to the Master’s program ‘Agriculture, Ecology and Societies’ with a Q&A session. This is particularly relevant for international students interested in the…

  • 15.Januar 2025-05.Februar 2025


    Lecture Series: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Agriculture and the Food System, January and February 2025

    We are excited to announce that our lecture series Puzzle Pieces for Change - Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Agriculture and the Food System is continuing in January and February 2025. We want to ask ourselves which puzzle pieces are necessary to build a fair socio-ecological agri-food puzzle. You are welcome to join us and learn and discuss together on Wednesdays from 6pm-8pm in Steinstraße…

  • 14.11.2024 | Personen am FachbereichFreiheit und Unfreiheit in der Agrar- und Ernährungswende? Podiumsdiskussion im SDG+Lab

    Was bedeutet Freiheit in Bezug auf unser Agrar- und Ernährungssystem, und wie frei sind Landwirt:innen, Produzent:innen und Konsument:innen in ihren Entscheidungen, wenn nachhaltigere Produkte oft teurer und schwerer zu finden sind, oder aber wenn die Klimakrise und ökonomische Zwänge die Handlungsspielräume von Landwirt:innen immer kleiner werden lässt? Und wie könnte ein nachhaltiges und sozial…
  • 14.Oktober 2024-24.Oktober 2024

    Studium | Internationale Agrarpolitik und Umweltgovernance

    AGES Introductory Week

  • 25.09.2024 | StudiumAGES Master Projects Winter Semester 2024/25

    After the Project Introduction on 23 October projects should be chosen by 25 October at noon. Projects will be allocated by 28 October noon and start in that same week with meetings with project supervisors.
  • 17.Juli 2024


    Movie: Thank you for the rain

    Dear interested, as part of the event series "Puzzle Pieces for Change" of the University of Kassel, Faculty 11, Project Agrartrans, we invite you to our final special event, a movie night in the Capitol Cinema in Witzenhausen. When? Wednesday, 17. July, 19:30 Where? Witzenhausen, Capitol Cinema, Mühlstraße 16 The movie will be shown in original sound (English movie with English subtitle). Th…

  • 17.Juli 2024

  • 10.Juli 2024


    Insights on behavioral economics on norm nudges and a vegetarian month

    As part of our program we kindly invite you to our next keynote of our events of the lecture series "Puzzle Pieces of Change". During this event series we talk about various challenges and trends of the food and agricultural system and what must be done to follow socio-ecological transformations. With growing concerns about health and environmental sustainability, changes in food consumption have…

  • 27.Juni 2024-29.Juni 2024

    Forschung | Internationale Agrarpolitik und Umweltgovernance

    1st TRAFOS Workshop on Transformations of the Food System

    Scholar and activist responses to agrarian populism and free trade

  • 19.Juni 2024

    Vortrag | Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften

    Digital tech and labor relations in global agriculture

    Lecture Series: Puzzle pieces of change Digitalisation keynote: Louisa Prause