Prof. Dr. Maria Renate Finckh
Fachgebietsleiterin Ökologischer Pflanzenschutz
- Telefon
- +49 5542 98-1562
- mfinckh[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
- Fachgebiet
- Ökologischer Pflanzenschutz
- Standort
- Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften
Nordbahnhofstraße 1a
37213 Witzenhausen
- Raum
- Hörsaal- und Laborgebäude, 2104
- Sprechstunde
Nach Vereinbarung
Sisic, A.; Bacanovic-Sisic, J.; Finckh, M.; Gamba, F. Didymella pinodella: An Important Pea Root Rot Pathogen in France to Watch Out For? Journal of Fungi 10 (1), 44. doi: 10.3390/jof10010044
Dhamala, N.; Finckh, M.; Timaeus, J.; Salembier, C.; Aare, A.; Bedoussac, L.; Chongtham, I.; Buck, A.; Dordas, C.; Hauggaard-Nielsen, H.; Krysztoforski, M.; Lund, S.; Luske, B.; Pinel, B.; Virto, C.; Walker, R.; Wendling, M.; Jeuffroy, M. Exploring the inner workings of design-support experiments: Lessons from 11 multi-actor experimental networks for intercrop design. European Journal of Agronomy144. doi: 10.1016/j.eja.2022.126729
Weedon, O.; Brumlop, S.; Haak, A.; Baresel, J.; Wolfe, M.; Finckh, M.; Borgen, A.; Döring, T.; Goldringer, I.; Lammerts van Bueren, E.; van Bueren, E.; Messmer, M.; Mikó, P.; Nuijten, E.; Pearce, B. High Buffering Potential of Winter Wheat Composite Cross Populations to Rapidly Changing Environmental Conditions. Agronomy 13(6).doi: 10.3390/agronomy13061662
Bilibio, C.; Uteau Puschmann, D.; Horvat, M.; Rosskopf, U.; Junge, S.; Finckh, M.; Peth, S. Impact of Ten Years Conservation Tillage in Organic Farming on Soil Physical Properties in a Loess Soil—Northern Hesse, Germany. Agriculture13/1 (133), 1-17. doi: 10.3390/agriculture13010133
Gamba, F.; Sisic, A.; Finckh, M. Pathogen diversity in a Moroccan population of Pyrenophora teres f. teres. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection130 (5), 1007-1015. doi: 10.1007/s41348-023-00749-1
Finckh, M.; Becker, Y.; Ashrafi, S.; Wennrich, J.; Maciá-Vicente, J.; Brißke-Rode, A.; Daub, M.; Thünen, T.; Dababat, A.; Stadler, M.; Maier, W. Polydomus karssenii gen. nov. sp. nov. is a dark septate endophyte with a bifunctional lifestyle parasitising eggs of plant parasitic cyst nematodes (Heterodera spp.). IMA fungus14 (1), 6. doi: 10.1186/s43008-023-00113-w
Timaeus, J.; Ruigrok, T.; Siegmeier, T.; Finckh, M. Adoption of Food Species Mixtures from Farmers' Perspectives in Germany: Managing Complexity and Harnessing Advantages. Agriculture12 (5), 697. doi: 10.3390/agriculture12050697
Benzing, A.; Piepho, H.; Malik, W.; Finckh, M.; Mittelhammer, M.; Strempel, D.; Jaschik, J.; Neuendorff, J.; Guamán, L.; Mancheno, J.; Melo, L.; Pavón, O.; Cangahuamín, R.; Ullauri, J. Author Correction: Appropriate sampling methods and statistics can tell apart fraud from pesticide drift in organic farming. Scientific Reports12 (1), 10834. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-15100-1
Šišić, A.; Baćanović-Šišić, J.; Schmidt, H.; Schmidt, H.; Finckh, M. Farming system effects on root rot pathogen complex and yield of faba bean (vicia faba) in Germany. Frontiers in Plant Science13, 1009906. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.1009906
Alkemade, J.; Nazzicari, N.; Messmer, M.; Annicchiarico, P.; Ferrari, B.; Voegele, R.; Finckh, M.; Arncken, C.; Hohmann, P. Genome-wide association study reveals white lupin candidate gene involved in anthracnose resistance. Theoretical and applied genetics135 (3), 1011-1024. doi: 10.1007/s00122-021-04014-7
Timaeus, J.; Weedon, O.; Finckh, M. Harnessing the Potential of Wheat-Pea Species Mixtures: Evaluation of Multifunctional Performance and Wheat Diversity. Frontiers in Plant Science13, 846237. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.846237
Schmidt, J.; Theisgen, L.; Finckh, M.; Šišić, A. Increased Resilience of Peas Toward Root Rot Pathogens Can Be Predicted by the Nematode Metabolic Footprint. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 6, 881520. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2022.881520
Junge, S.; Leisch-Waskönig, S.; Winkler, J.; Kirchner, S.; Saucke, H.; Finckh, M. Late to the Party-Transferred Mulch from Green Manures Delays Colorado Potato Beetle Infestation in Regenerative Potato Cropping Systems. Agriculture 12 (12), 2130. doi: 10.3390/agriculture12122130
Demie, D.; Döring, T.; Finckh, M.; van der Werf, W.; Enjalbert, J.; Seidel, S. Mixture × Genotype Effects in Cereal/Legume Intercropping. Frontiers in Plant Science 13, 846720. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.846720
Baresel, J.; Bülow, L.; Finckh, M.; Frese, L.; Knapp, S.; Schmidhalter, U.; Weedon, O. Performance and evolutionary adaptation of heterogeneous wheat populations. Euphytica 218,137. doi: 10.1007/s10681-022-03072-2
Kiær, L.; Weedon, O.; Bedoussac, L.; Bickler, C.; Finckh, M.; Haug, B.; Iannetta, P.; Raaphorst-Travaille, G.; Weih, M.; Karley, A. Supply Chain Perspectives on Breeding for Legume-Cereal Intercrops. Frontiers in Plant Science 13, 844635. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.844635
Alkemade, J.; Arncken, C.; Hirschvogel, C.; Messmer, M.; Leska, A.; Voegele, R.; Finckh, M.; Kölliker, R.; Groot, S.; Hohmann, P. The potential of alternative seed treatments to control anthracnose disease in white lupin. Crop Protection 158,106009. doi: 10.1016/j.cropro.2022.106009
Alkemade, J. A., Messmer, M. M., Voegele, R. T., Finckh, M. R., and Hohmann, P. (2021b). Genetic diversity of Colletotrichum lupini and its virulence on white and Andean lupin. Scientific Reports 11, 13547.
Alkemade, J., Messmer, M., Arncken, C., Leska, A., Annicchiarico, P., Nazzicari, N., Książkiewicz, M., Voegele, R. T., Finckh, M. R., and Hohmann, P. (2021a). A high-throughput phenotyping tool to identify field-relevant anthracnose resistance in white lupin. Plant Disease 105, 1719-1727.
Benzing, A., Piepho, H.-P., Malik, W. A., Finckh, M. R., Mittelhammer, M., Strempel, D., Jaschik, J., Neuendorff, J., Guamán, L., Mancheno, J., Melo, L., Pavón, O., Cangahuamín, R., and Ullauri, J.-C. (2021). Appropriate sampling methods and statistics can tell apart fraud from pesticide drift in organic farming. Scientific Reports 11, 14776.
Finckh, M.R., SM, J., Schmidt, J.H., Sisic, A., Weedon, O.D., 2021. Intra- and interspecific diversity: the cornerstones of agroecological crop health management. Aspects of Applied Biology, 146, 193-206.
Gamba, F. M., Šišić, A., & Finckh, M. R. (2021). Continuous variation and specific interactions in the Pyrenophora teres f. teres–barley pathosystem in Uruguay. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 128(2), 421-429. doi: 10.1007/s41348-020-00386-y
Mwangi, J. M., Mwangi, G. N., Finckh, M. R., & Kiewnick, S. (2021). Biology, pathotype, and virulence of Globodera rostochiensis populations from Kenya. J Nematol, 53. doi: 10.21307/jofnem-2021-003
Timaeus, J., Weedon, O. D., and Finckh, M. R. (2021). Combining Genetic Gain and Diversity in Plant Breeding: Heritability of Root Selection in Wheat Populations. Sustainability 13, 12778.
van Bruggen, A. H. C., Finckh, M. R., He, M., Ritsema, C. J., Harkes, P., Knuth, D., and Geissen, V. (2021). Indirect Effects of the Herbicide Glyphosate on Plant, Animal and Human Health Through its Effects on Microbial Communities. Frontiers in Environmental Science 9.
Watson, C. A., Debeljak, M., Baresel, P., Bertelsen, I., Canali, S., Di Bene, C., Farina, R., Finckh, M. R., Hüppi, R., Vanino, S., Piccini, C., Schneider, A., Vandenwalle, A., and Topp, C. F. E. (2021). Creating a typology of tools that support decision making for increased crop diversity (TypoCrop). Aspects of Applied Biology, 146, 141-146.
Gamba, F.M., Finckh, M.R., Backes, G., 2020. Pathogenic variability of a Uruguayan population of Bipolaris sorokiniana in barley suggests a mix of quantitative and qualitative interactions. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 127, 25-33.
Ganji, E., Hieronymus, C., Finckh, Maria R., Hallmann, J., Schmidt, Jan H., 2020. Population dynamics of Hemicycliophora conida as affected by different temperatures and absence of hosts. Nematology, 22, 975-983.
Nazareno, N.R.X.d., Finckh, M.R., Canalli, L.B.d.S., Yada, I.F.U., Kawakami, J., 2020. Potential use of fresh mulch to curb potato late blight epidemics in Brazil. Summa Phytopathologica 46, 191-197.
Schmidt, J. H., Seeger, J. N., Grafenstein, K. v., Wintzer, J., Finckh, M. R., & Hallmann, J. (2020). Population dynamics and host range of Paratylenchus bukowinensis. Nematology, 22, 257-267.
Schmidt JH, Hallmann J, Finckh MR. 2020. Bacterivorous nematodes correlate with soil fertility and improved crop production in an organic minimum tillage system. Sustainability 12:6730
Šišić, A., Baćanović-Šišić, J., Schmidt, H., Finckh, M.R., 2020b. Root Pathogens Occurring on Pea (Pisum sativum) and Faba Bean (Vicia faba) in Germany. 30th Scientific-Experts Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry, Sarajewo, Bosnia, Sept. 2019. Springer International Publishing, pp. 69-75.
Tiecher, T., Gubiani, E., Santanna, M.A., Veloso, M.G., Calegari, A., Canalli, L.B.d.S., Finckh, M.R., Caner, L., Rheinheimer, D.d.S., 2020. Effect of 26-years of soil tillage systems and winter cover crops on C and N stocks in a Southern Brazilian Oxisol. Revista Brasileira de Ciencia do Solo 46, 191-197
Weedon, O.D., Finckh, M.R., 2020. Heterogeneous Winter Wheat Populations Differ in Yield Stability Depending on their Genetic Background and Management System. Sustainability 11, 6172.
Mwangi, J.M., Niere, B., Daub, M., Finckh, M.R., Kiewnick, S., 2019a. Reproduction of Globodera pallida on tissue culture-derived potato plants and their potential use in resistance screening process. Nematology 21, 613-623.
Mwangi, J.M., Niere, B., Finckh, M.R., Krüssel, S., Kiewnick, S., 2019b. Reproduction and life history traits of a resistance breaking Globodera pallida pathotype- 2/3 population. Journal of Nematology 51, 1-13.
Reimer, M., Ringselle, B., Bergkvist, G., Westaway, S., Wittwer, R., Baresel, J.P., van der Heijden, M.G.A., Mangerud, K., Finckh, M.R., Brandsæter, L.O., 2019. Interactive Effects of Subsidiary Crops and Weed Pressure in the Transition Period to Non-Inversion Tillage, A Case Study of Six Sites Across Northern and Central Europe. Agronomy 9, 495.
Schmidt, J.H., Junge, S., Finckh, M.R., 2019a. Cover crops and compost prevent weed seed bank buildup in herbicide-free wheat–potato rotations under conservation tillage. Ecology and Evolution 9, 2715-2724.
van Bruggen, A.H.C., Goss, E.M., Havelaar, A., van Diepeningen, A.D., Finckh, M.R., Morris, J.G., 2019. One Health - Cycling of diverse microbial communities as a connecting force for soil, plant, animal, human and ecosystem health. Science of The Total Environment 664, 927-937.
Vijaya Bhaskar, A.V., Baresel, J.P., Weedon, O., Finckh, M.R., 2019a. Effects of ten years organic and conventional farming on early seedling traits of evolving winter wheat composite cross populations. Scientific Reports 9, 9053.
Abdelhalim TS, Babiker AGT, Finckh MR. 2018. Effects of powder and aqueous extracts of Euphorbia hirta on Phelipanche ramosa germination and haustorium initiation. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 51:979-92
Baćanović-Šišić, J., Šišić, A., Schmidt, J. H., and Finckh, M. R. (2018b). Identification and characterization of pathogens associated with root rot of winter peas grown under organic management in Germany. European Journal of Plant Pathology 151, 745-755.
Lamichhane, J. R., Arseniuk, E., Boonekamp, P., Czembor, J., Decroocq, V., Enjalbert, J., Finckh, M. R., Korbin, M., Koppel, M., Kudsk, P., Mesterhazy, A., Sosnowska, D., Zimnoch‐Guzowska, E., and Messéan, A. (2018). Advocating a need for suitable breeding approaches to boost integrated pest management: a European perspective. Pest Management Science 74, 1219-1227.
Papp, R., Marinari, S., Moscatelli, M. C., van der Heijden, M. G. A., Wittwer, R., Campiglia, E., Radicetti, E., Mancinelli, R., Fradgley, N., Pearce, B., Bergkvist, G., and Finckh, M. R. (2018). Short-term changes in soil biochemical properties as affected by subsidiary crop cultivation in four European pedo-climatic zones. Soil and Tillage Research180, 126-136.
Radicetti, E., Baresel, J. P., El-Haddoury, E. J., Finckh, M. R., Mancinelli, R., Schmidt, J. H., Thami Alami, I., Udupa, S. M., van der Heijden, M. G. A., Wittwer, R., and Campiglia, E. (2018). Wheat performance with subclover living mulch in different agro-environmental conditions depends on crop management. European Journal of Agronomy 94, 36-45.
Šišić, A., Al-Hatmi, A. M. S., Baćanović-Šišić, J., Ahmed, S. A., Dennenmoser, D., de Hoog, G. S., and Finckh, M. R. (2018a). Two new species of the Fusarium solani species complex isolated from compost and hibiscus (Hibiscus sp.). Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 1-21.
Šišić, A., Baćanović- Šišić, J., Al-Hatmi, A. M. S., Karlovsky, P., Ahmed, S. A., Maier, W., de Hoog, G. S., and Finckh, M. (2018b). The ‘forma specialis’ issue in Fusarium: A case study in Fusarium solani f. sp. pisi. Scientific Reports8.
Šišić, A., Baćanović- Šišić, J., Karlovsky, P., Wittwer, R., Walder, F., Campiglia, E., Radicetti, E., Friberg, H., Baresel, J. P., and Finckh, M. R. (2018c). Roots of symptom-free leguminous cover crop and living mulch species harbor diverse Fusarium communities that show highly variable aggressiveness on pea (Pisum sativum). PLoS ONE 13, e0191969.
Šišić, A., Baćanović-Šišić, J., Schmidt, H., and Finckh, M. R. (2018d). First report of Didymella lethalis associated with roots of pea, subterranean clover and winter vetch in Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Plant Disease.
Van Bruggen, A. H. C., M. M. He, K. Shin, V. Mai, K. C. Jeong, M. R. Finckh and J. G. Morris (2018). Environmental and health effects of the herbicide glyphosate. Science of The Total Environment 616-617(Supplement C): 255-268.
Al-Ansari MS, Finckh MR, Deadman M, Al-Sadi AM. 2017. First report of Pythium arrhenomanes associated with root rot of maize (Zea mays) in Oman. Journal of Plant Pathology 99:1-2
Ashrafi, S., M. Stadler, A. Abdolfattah, A. Dababat, K. R. Richert-Pöggeler, M. R. Finckh and W. Maier (2017). "Monocillium gamsii sp. nov. a nematode parasitic fungus of Heteroderea filipjevi and observations on its interaction with nematode eggs." MycoKeys 27: 21-38.
Brumlop, S., T. Pfeiffer and M. R. Finckh (2017). "Evolutionary Effects on Morphology and Agronomic Performance of Three Winter Wheat Composite Cross Populations Maintained for Six Years under Organic and Conventional Conditions." Organic Farming 3(1): 34-50.
Gamba, F. M., F. M. Bassi and M. R. Finckh (2017). "Race structure of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis in Morocco." Phytopathologia Mediterranea 56(1): 119-126.
Saeed, M. F., J. Baćanović, C. Bruns, H. Schmidt and M. R. Finckh (2017). "Seed health of organic peas and faba beans and its effects on the health of the harvested grains." Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 124(4): 331-337.
Schmidt, J. H., M. R. Finckh and J. Hallmann (2017). "Oilseed radish/ black oat subsidiary crops can help regulate plant-parasitic nematodes under non-inversion tillage in an organic wheat-potato rotation." Nematology 19: 1135-1146.
Schmidt, J. H., G. Bergkvist, E. Campiglia, E. Radicetti, R. Wittwer, M. R. Finckh and J. Hallmann (2017). "Effect of tillage, subsidiary crops, and fertilization on plant-parasitic nematodes in a range of agro-environmental conditions within Europe." Ann. Appl. Biol. 171:477-89.
Šišić, A., J. Baćanović, M.R. Finckh. 2017. Endophytic Fusarium equiseti stimulates plant growth and reduces root rot disease of pea (Pisum sativum L.) caused by Fusarium avenaceum and Peyronellaea pinodella. European Journal of Plant Pathology: 148: 271-282.
Bertholdsson, N. O., O. Weedon, S. Brumlop, and M. R. Finckh. 2016. Evolutionary changes of weed competitive traits in winter wheat composite cross populations in organic and conventional farming systems. European Journal of Agronomy 79:23-30.
Lukas, K., G. Innerebner, M. Kelderer, M. R. Finckh, and P. Hohmann. 2016. Efficacy of copper alternatives applied as stop-sprays against Plasmopara viticola in grapevine. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 123: 171-176.
van Bruggen, A. H. C., A. Gamliel, and M. R. Finckh. 2016. Plant disease management in organic farming systems. Pest Management Science 72:30-44.
van Bruggen, A. H. C., and M. R. Finckh. 2016. Plant diseases and management approaches in organic farming systems. Annual Review of Phytopathology 54. 25-54
Abdelhalim, T. S., Finckh, M. R., Babiker, A. G., and Oehl, F. (2014). Species composition and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in White Nile state, Central Sudan. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 60, 377-391.
Döring, T. F., Vieweger, A., Pautasso, M., Vaarst, M., Finckh, M. R., and Wolfe, M. S. (2014). Resilience as a universal criterion of health. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 95. 455-465.
Fuchs, J., Thuerig, B., Brandhuber, R., Bruns, C., Finckh, M. R., Fließbach, A., Mäder, P., Schmidt, H., Vogt- Kaute, W., Wilbois, K.-P., and Tamm, L. (2014). Evaluation of causes for legume yield depression syndrome using an improved diagnostic tool. Applied Soil Ecology 79, 26-36.
Saucke, H., Balasus, A., Finckh, M. R., Formowitz, B., Schmidt, R., and Kratt, A. (2014). Mating disruption of pea moth (Cydia nigricana) in organic peas (Pisum sativum). Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 150, 199-207.
Sharma K, Bruns C, Butz AF, Finckh MR. 2012. Effects of fertilizers and plant strengtheners on the susceptibility of tomatoes to single and mixed isolates of Phytophthora infestans. European Journal of Plant Pathology 133:739-51
Döring TF, Pautasso M, Finckh MR, Wolfe MS. 2012. Concepts of plant health – reviewing and challenging the foundations of plant protection. Plant Pathology 61:1-15
Sharma K, Butz AF, Finckh MR. 2010. Effects of host and pathogen genotypes on inducibility of resistance in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) to Phytophthora infestans. Plant Pathology 59:1062-71
Ostergaard H, Finckh MR, Fontaine L, Goldringer I, Hoad SP, et al. 2009. Time for a shift in crop production: embracing complexity through diversity at all levels. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 89:1439-45
Bouws H, Finckh MR. 2008. Effects of strip-intercropping of potatoes with non-hosts on late blight severity and tuber yield in organic production. Plant Pathology 57:916-27
Finckh MR, Hayer F, Schulte-Geldermann E, Bruns C. 2008. Diversität, Pflanzenernährung und Prognose: Ein integriertes Konzept zum Management der Kraut-und Knollenfäule in der ökologischen Landwirtschaft (Diversity, plant nutrition, and prognosis: an integrated concept for the management of late blight in organic potato production) German with English abstract. Gesunde Pflanzen 60:159-170
Finckh MR, Wolfe MS, Lammerts van Bueren ET. 2008. The canon of potato science: Variety mixtures and diversification strategies. Potato Research 50:335-9
Finckh MR. 2008. Integration of breeding and technology into diversification strategies for disease control in modern agriculture. European Journal of Plant Pathology 120:399-409
Jensen BD, Finckh MR, Munk L, Hauser TP. 2008. Susceptibility of a wild carrot (Daucus carota ssp. carota) to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. European Journal of Plant Patholgoy 122:359-67
Kywe M, Finckh MR, Buerkert A. 2008. Green Gram Rotation Effects on Maize Growth Parameters and Soil Quality in Myanma. Journal of Agricultural Research in the Tropics and Subtropics 109:123-137
Naing TAA, Kingsbury A, Buerkert A, Finckh MR. 2008. A Survey of Myanmar Rice Production and Constraints. Journal of Agricultural Research in the Tropics and Subtropics 109:151-68
Bouws H, Finckh MR. 2007. Effects of cropping history and origin of seed potatoes on population structure of Phytophthora infestans. European Journal of Plant Pathology 117:313-27
Döring T, Heimbach U, Thieme T, Finckh M, Saucke H. 2006. Aspects of straw mulching in organic potatoes – I. Effects on microclimate, Phytophthora infestans, and Rhizoctonia solani. Nachrichtenbl. Deut. Pflanzenschutzd. 58:93-97
Finckh MR, Schulte-Geldermann E, Bruns C. 2006. Challenges to organic potato farming: Disease and nutrient management. Potato Research 42:28-37
Before 2005
Daellenbach GC, Kerridge PC, Wolfe MS, Frossard E, Finckh MR. 2005. Plant productivity in cassava-based mixed cropping systems in Colombian hillside farms. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 105:595-614
Döring TF, Brandt M, Heß J, Finckh MR, Saucke H. 2005. Effects of straw mulch on soil nitrate dynamics, weeds, yield and soil erosion in organically grown potatoes. Field Crops Research 94:238-49
Finckh MR, Gacek ES, Goyeau H, Lannou C, Merz U, et al. 2000. Cereal variety and species mixtures in practice, with emphasis on disease resistance. Agronomie 20:813-37
Thinlay, Finckh MR, Bordeos AC, Zeigler RS. 2000. Effects and possible causes of an unprecedented rice blast epidemic on the traditional farming system of Bhutan. Agric. Ecosyst. Envt 78:237-48
Thinlay, Zeigler RS, Finckh MR. 2000. Pathogenic variability of Pyricularia grisea from the high- and mid-elevation zones of Bhutan. Phytopathology 90:621-8
Finckh MR, Gacek ES, Czembor HJ, Wolfe MS. 1999. Host frequency and density effects on disease and yield in mixtures of barley. Plant Pathol 48:807-16
Finckh MR, Nelson RJ. 1999. Phylogenetic and pathotypic analysis of bacterial blight race 3. European Journal of Plant Pathology 105:743-51
Mundt CC, Ahmed HU, Finckh MR, Nieva L, Alfonso RF. 1999. Primary disease gradients of bacterial blight of rice. Phytopathology 89:64-7
Ahmed HU, Alfonso RA, Finckh MR, Mundt CC. 1997. Epidemiological effect of gene deployment strategies on bacterial blight of rice. Phytopathology 87:66-70
Finckh MR, Mundt CC. 1996. Temporal dynamics of plant competition in genetically diverse wheat populations in the presence and absence of stripe rust. J. Appl. Ecol 33:1041-52
Finckh MR, Chavez AQ, Dai Q, Teng PS. 1995. Effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on the growth of rice and its susceptibility to rice blast under glasshouse conditions. Agric. Ecosyst. Envt 52:223-33
Finckh MR, Mundt CC. 1993. Effects of stripe rust on the evolution of genetically diverse wheat populations. Theor. Appl. Genet 85:809-21
Finckh MR, Mundt CC. 1992. Plant competition and disease in genetically diverse wheat populations. Oecologia 91:82-92
Finckh MR, Mundt CC. 1992. Stripe rust, yield, and plant competition in wheat cultivar mixtures. Phytopathology 82:905-13
Book chapters and Books
Finckh, M.R., 2021. Pest Management: Intercropping. In: Fath, B., Jorgensen, S. (Eds.), Managing Human and Social Systems. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Finckh, M.R., Schmidt, J.H., 2021. Pest Management: Crop Diversity. In: Fath, B., Jorgensen, S. (Eds.), Managing Human and Social Systems. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Finckh, M. R., Junge, S. M., Schmidt, J. H., and Weedon, O. D. 2018. Disease and pest management in organic farming: a case for applied agroecology. In "Improving Organic Crop Cultivation Vol 1" (U. Köpke, ed.), Vol 1. Cambridge: Burleigh Dodds. pp. 271-301.
Chellemi, D. O., A. H. C. van Bruggen, and M. R. Finckh. 2015. Direct control of soilborne diseases. Pages 217-226 in Finckh M.R., L. Tamm, and A. H. C. van Bruggen editors. Plant Diseases and their Management in Organic Agriculture. APS Press, St. Paul, MN.
Finckh, M. R., L. Tamm, and C. Bruns. 2015. Organic potato disease management. Pages 239-257 in Finckh M.R., L. Tamm, and A. H. C. van Bruggen editors. Plant Diseases and their Management in Organic Agriculture. APS Press, St. Paul, MN.
Finckh, M. R. 2015. Organic small grain cereal disease managment. Pages 259-273 in Finckh M.R., L. Tamm, and A. H. C. van Bruggen editors. Plant Diseases and their Management in Organic Agriculture. APS Press, St. Paul, MN.
Finckh, M. R., T. Yli-Mattila, A. Nykänen, P. Kurki, and A. Hannukkala. 2015. Organic temperate legume disease management. Pages 293-310 in Finckh M.R., L. Tamm, and A. H. C. van Bruggen editors. Plant Diseases and their Management in Organic Agriculture. APS Press, St. Paul, MN.
Finckh, M. R. 2015. Organic rice disease management. Pages 275-291 in Finckh M.R., L. Tamm, and A. H. C. van Bruggen editors. Plant Diseases and their Management in Organic Agriculture. APS Press, St. Paul, MN.
Finckh, M. R., and M. S. Wolfe. 2015. Biodiversity enhancement. Pages 153-174 in Finckh M.R., L. Tamm, and A. H. C. van Bruggen editors. Plant Diseases and their Management in Organic Agriculture. APS Press, St. Paul, MN.
Finckh, M. R., and L. Tamm. 2015. Organic managment and airborne diseases. Pages 53-66 in Finckh M.R., L. Tamm, and A. H. C. van Bruggen editors. Plant Diseases and their Management in Organic Agriculture. APS Press, St. Paul, MN.
Hindorf, H., M. Tadesse, J. Pohlan, O. Weedon, and M. R. Finckh. 2015. Organic coffee disease management. Pages 367-382 in Finckh M.R., L. Tamm, and A. H. C. van Bruggen editors. Plant Diseases and their Management in Organic Agriculture. APS Press, St. Paul, MN.
Döring TF, Pautasso M, Wolfe MS, Finckh MR. 2012. Pest and disease management in organic farming: Implications and inspirations for plant breeding. Pages 39-60 in Organic Crop Breeding, ed. ET Lammerts van Bueren, LD Myers. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Finckh MR. 2012. Disease control. In ELN-FAB Functional agrobiodiversity: Nature serving Europe's farmers, ed. G van Uden:35-46. Tilburg, NL: ECNC-European Centre for Nature Conservation.
Finckh MR, Brumlop S, Goldringer I, Steffan P, Wolfe MS. 2009. Maintenance of diversity in naturally evolving composite cross wheat populations in Europe. In Collected Papers of the 1st IFOAM International Conference on Organic Animal and Plant Breeding, ed. A Zschocke:145-52. Tholey-Theley, Germany: IFOAM.
Finckh MR. 2008. Reaktionsmöglichkeiten auf den Klimawandel durch Pflanzenzüchtung und Sortenwahl. In Klimawandel und Ökolandbau, KTBL-Tagung vom 01.-02. Dez. 2008 in Göttingen:160-75. Darmstadt: Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft e.V. (KTBL).
Finckh MR. 2007. Evolutionsverbot per Gesetz, oder: Die Konsequenzen der Verhinderung der Ko-Evolution in der Landwirtschaft. In Spektrum Politkwissenschaft: Kant, das Prinzip "Vorsorge" und die Wiederentdeckung der "Allmende":109-20: Lange, Berthold. Number of 109-20 pp.
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Finckh MR, Wolfe MS. 2006. Diversification Strategies. In The Epidemiology of Plant Diseases, ed. BM Cooke, D Gareth Jones, B Kaye:269-307. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. Number of 269-307 pp.
Finckh MR. 2003. Ecological benefits of Diversification. In Rice Science: innovations and impact for livelihood, ed. TW Mew, DS Brar, S Peng, D Dawe, B Hardy:549-64. Los Banos, Philippines: International Rice Research Institute.
Finckh MR. 2001. Biodiversität in der Pflanzenzucht aus der Sicht der Phytopathologie und der Ökologischen Landwirtschaft (Biodiversity in plant breeding: Phytopathological aspects and its role in organic farming). In Nutzung genetischer Ressourcen - ökologischer Wert der Biodiversität, ed. K Hammer, T Gladis:155-70. Bonn, Germany: ZADI.
Finckh MR, Wolfe MS. 1997. The use of biodiversity to restrict plant diseases and some consequences for farmers and society. In Ecology in Agriculture, ed. LE Jackson:199-233. San Diego: Academic Press.
Finckh MR, Wolfe MS. 1998. Diversification strategies. In The Epidemiology of Plant Diseases, ed. DG Jones:231-59. London: Chapman and Hall.
Wolfe MS, Finckh MR. 1997. Diversity of host resistance within the crop: effects on host, pathogen and disease. In Plant resistance to fungal diseases, ed. H Hartleb, R Heitefuss, HH Hoppe:378-400. Jena: G. Fischer Verlag.
Books edited:
Finckh M. R., L. Tamm, and A. H. C. van Bruggen (eds). 2015. Plant Diseases and their Management in Organic Agriculture. 414 pp. APS Press, St. Paul, MN.
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