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Research of the FG Construction Organization and Methods

The research focus of the department is predominantly practice-oriented and aims at optimizing manufacturing and management processes in the construction industry from an economic and technical point of view. In this context, the application of information and data processing, industrial production as well as modern manufacturing techniques are in the foreground of the scientific work, as far as reasonable. However, environmental aspects, a more humane work design and legal aspects are also important topics of the department.

The focus of the research, which is financed by third-party funds, is on production planning and
control through the simulation of processes using various computer-aided tools as well as analytical methods of process selection in order to improve the decision-making processes of the site manager.

The development of process management, quality management and knowledge management systems as well as the further development of manufacturing techniques in civil engineering and the increase of the performance of construction machinery are also research fields of the department. The department works in close cooperation with departments at other universities with the aim of finding interdisciplinary solutions to complex construction management problems.

Internationally, the department cooperates with universities in Syria (Homs, Latakia, Damascus and Aleppo) and Russia (Moscow and St. Petersburg).

Main research topics:

  • Optimization of construction processes
  • Operations research in planning and construction
  • Automation in the construction industry and its impact
  • Network-based simulation models for process planning and control
  • Cooperation models of medium-sized construction companies
  • Central logistics management in residential construction


  • Simulation studies
  • Analysis of disturbances in the construction process
  • Accounting of construction works and supplements
  • Construction site documentation
  • Consulting for clients and construction companies, expert opinions