Promotion award of the North Hessian construction industry

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The sponsorship prize of the North Hessian construction industry is awarded annually. It is sponsored by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stufenausbildung (Bau) Kassel - ASK and is endowed with a total of € 3,000. The prize is awarded in cooperation with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering to students of the department for outstanding final theses. The selection criterion is that the work to be awarded makes a contribution to solving significant problems in engineering practice, taking into account cost-effective planning, design and construction.

The North Hessian construction industry sponsorship prize continues the tradition of the KBB prize, which was first awarded in 1988. It is therefore the oldest sponsorship award for student work at the University of Kassel.

The prize is awarded annually in a public ceremony hosted by the ASK and the Dean of the faculty.