Introduction to Engineering Geophysics

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Introduction to engineering geophysics

Course Catalog

Study Level:
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Koch
Bachelor or Master
6. Bachelor or 2. Master (summer term)
2 (Lecture)
Tue. 14:00 to 16:00
Kurt-Wolters 3 - Room 1120 A


Geophysics is about the physics of the solid Earth. Geophysicists explore the interior of the Earth using physical methods with the goal of imaging geological structures, describing conditions, and observing processes. Applications can be found in the search for raw materials (oil, gas, minerals), in the environmental field (pollutant detection, landfill investigations, hydrogeological work), in construction projects (subsurface investigations for tunnels, dams, buildings, etc.), in disaster monitoring (earthquakes, volcanoes) and in the exploration of the Earth's deep interior.

The lecture gives an introduction to the methods of applied geophysics for the structure determination of the subsurface, with emphasis on geotechnical and geohydraulic aspects. In this respect, this lecture is also suitable as an elective for all civil engineering majors. 


  • Overview of the methods of applied geophysics
  • Geological and geophysical structure of the inner earth
  • Global tectonics and seismology
  • Earthquakes: Origin, effects, prediction 
  • Seismology
    • Introduction to elasticity theory
    • Origin and propagation of seismic (elastic) waves and rays
    • Ray laws in an inhomogeneous medium
    • Refraction seismics
    • Reflection seismics
    • Principle of seismic tomography
  • Direct current geoelectrics
    • Electrical resistivity of rocks (Archie's law)
    • Potential and currents between earth electrodes
    • Field methods of geoelectrics (sounding and mapping)
    • Wenner, Schlumberger electrode arrangements
    • Inversion of resistivity data
    • Interpretation of geoelectric measurements
  • Other methods: gravimetry, magnetics, georadar, borehole methods
  • Previous knowledge: Physics, Mechanics

    The lecture will be recognized with 3 credits after successful homework. 

