Geothermal energy

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Geothermal energy

University Calendar

Study Level:
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Koch
2 (summer term)
2 (Lecture)
Thurs. 18:00 to 20:00
Kurt-Wolters 3 - Room 1120 A


The energy supply of geothermal energy, stored in hot water or rock around the world, is nearly inexhaustible. It is estimated that geothermal energy could meet our current world energy needs for millions of years. With today's technologies, these environmentally friendly and climate-friendly energy sources can be used virtually anywhere. Geothermal energy, the technical term for geothermal energy, is therefore one of the most widely used renewable energy sources in the world.

The lecture will cover the wide range of geothermal energy. After an overview of the place of geothermal energy within renewable energy production, the geophysical and geological basics of the earth's structure, the earth's heat balance, and the causes of regional and local differences in heat flow will be covered. Some geophysical methods of geothermal prospecting are presented. In the last third of the lecture, the theoretical basis of heat transport within the subsurface and the thermo- and fluid dynamics of engineered geothermal systems (heat exchangers, heat pumps, etc.) are discussed. Finally, a number of geothermal projects in practice will be presented and their technical possibilities and problems will be discussed. 


  • Physics of energy and energy transformations
  • Statistics on global energy production and consumption
  • Geothermal energy as a renewable energy source: current global status and project examples
  • Geothermal energy as a branch of geophysics 
  • Geophysics and geology of the earth
    • Introduction to the geology and mineralogy of rocks
    • Structure and composition of the earth
    • Concepts and ideas about plate tectonics of the earth
    • The heat flow of the earth and its correlation with the tectonic structure of the earth
  • Classification of geothermal energy production
    • near-surface geothermal energy
    • hydrothermal geothermal energy
    • "hot-dry-rock" geothermal energy
  • Theoretical principles of heat transport in geothermal energy
    • heat conduction
    • hydrothermal flow and convective heat transport,
    • Calculation basics for the design of ground collector systems
  • Technical aspects of the use of geothermal energy
    • heat and cold generation by means of heat exchangers and heat pumps
    • geothermal electricity generation
    • case studies of geothermal projects in Germany and the world
  • Previous knowledge: Physics, mechanics, thermodynamics, hydromechanics, (desirable: engineering geophysics)

    The lecture will be recognized with 3 credits after successful participation in the colloquium.

