Hydrology of surface waters
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Lecturer(s): Study Level: Semester: SWS: Type: Exam: Time: Location: | Master 1 (winter semester) 2 (Lecture) Elective Homework Tues. 12:00 to 14:00 |
The basic concepts of engineering hydrologic modeling of rainfall-runoff (NA) processes will be covered. After a detailed analysis of the individual components of the hydrological cycle, NA calculations are performed using professional modeling software, both for the purpose of flood forecasting. In addition, concepts of water balance modeling in a watershed are introduced using the SWAT model.
- Recapitulation: the hydrological cycle and its components.
- Introduction to rainfall-runoff modeling
- Linear systems theory of the rainfall-runoff process
- Calculation of the runoff-effective components
- The unit hydrograph
- Module components of a NA model
- Hydrological routing (storage models, Muskingum)
- Hydraulic routing (St. Venant equations)
- Overview of NA models (HEC-HMS,SWAT)
- Water level calculations (HEC-RAS)
- Simulations of the water balance using the program SWAT
- The influence of land use changes on the water balance
- Effects of climatic variations on the water balance
Previous knowledge: Hydromechanics, Engineering Hydrology I
Accompanying material will be handed out for the lecture
The lecture will be recognized with 3 credits after completion of a homework assignment.