Hydromechanics III

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Hydromechanics III

Course Catalog


Study Level:







Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Koch


1 (winter semester)

2 (Lecture)


Written exam/exercise

Thurs. 16:00 to 18:00
Möncheberg 7 - Room 0607


After recapitulating the Hydromechanics I lecture, the conservation equations of real flows are treated and the Navier-Stokes equations are derived. These are then applied in simplified form to the solution of steady as well as unsteady hydraulic flow problems, both in engineering and environmental hydromechanics. Finally, fluid dynamic transport problems are discussed and an outlook on numerical methods is given.


  • Recapitulation Hydromechanics I (ideal and real flows). 
  • Conservation equations of hydromechanics
    • Conservation of mass (continuity equation)
    • Conservation of momentum (momentum equation)
    • Conservation of energy (1st law of thermodynamics)
    • Reynold's Transport Theorem
  • The Navier-Stokes (NS) equations of real flows
    • Stress- deformation (constitutive) relations in real flows
    • Derivation of the NS equations (conservation of momentum + constitutive relations)
    • Classification and simplifications of NS equations:
    • Steady-state, unsteady-state, laminar, and turbulent flows
  • Simple solutions of the NS equations for flows in pipes
    • laminar flows
    • turbulent flows and aspects of boundary layer theory
    • unsteady flows in pipes: The pressure surge
  • Free surface flows (flows in channels and flumes)
    • The St-Venant equations as a special form of NS-Gl.
    • Solution approaches for the St-Venant equation (kinematic and dynamic wave theory)
    • 2D hydromechanical flows of open waters (lake, estuarine and ocean flows)
  • Heat and mass transport in flows
  • Outlook: Numerical methods in hydromechanics

Previous knowledge: : Hydromechanics I

The lecture will be recognized with 3 credits after successful participation in the written exam/or homework.
