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09/17/2024 | Conference

Lecture on gender-specific mobility behavior during the Corona pandemic at the IGC in Dublin

Under the motto "Celebrating a World of Difference", the 35th International Geographical Congress (IGC) took place at Dublin City University (DCU) at the end of August. The congress, which takes place every four years, was organized this year by the Geographical Society of Ireland (GSI) and the International Geographical Union (IGU). Over 2,500 participants were able to listen to exciting specialist presentations on a wide range of topics in a variety of parallel sessions over several days. In her presentation "Insights into gender-specific travel behavior during the COVID-pandemic", Johanna Koch presented some gender-specific evaluations of the panel survey of the EMILIA research project ( In addition to the specialist presentations, there was also the opportunity to take part in smaller excursions. For example, participants were able to find out about the plans for a climate-neutral Dublin as part of the "City Climate Walk". The next IGC will take place in Melbourne in 2028.