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Questions and answers about exams, term papers and changing subjects
General questions
Please always pay attention to the status of the registration. This field indicates the reason why an exam registration is not accepted.
A possible reason is, for example, a missing course achievement, which is in part a prerequisite for participation in the examination.
In order to check if the registration was done correctly, you should check this in your account under registered achievements!
If the exam registration has failed, please contact the study service studienservicefb1[at]uni-kassel[dot]de by e-mail within the registration deadline.
You would like to complete your studies as part-time studies? In principle, all of our study programs are designed and accredited as regular full-time study programs. However, there is the possibility for an "informal part-time study". For this purpose, we have designed exemplary sample courses that ensure a sensible sequence of modules that build on each other. If you are interested, please contact us at the student advisory service.
If you have not passed or definitively failed an elective subject, it is possible to change a subject once per course of study in accordance with the General Regulations for the Subject Examination Regulations. The application form can be found on the website of the Student Services. Please submit the application to the Examination Committee to the Student Services. In addition, you must change the study plan accordingly and have it signed off by the corresponding coordinator.
The application for change is only necessary if your study plan has already been approved.
Examination results that have been passed once cannot be repeated. Exception: Free attempt in summer semester 2020 and winter semester 2020/2021.
As soon as the final exam result has been entered in your account after the exam review, you have four weeks to submit an application for the oral supplementary exam granted once per degree program. Please submit the original and signed application, which you can find on our homepage, to our Student Services. Afterwards, the examination board will review and approve the application. You will receive a message as soon as the application has been approved, after which you will make an appointment with the respective examiner.
The registration period for an exam generally begins 4 weeks before the actual exam date and ends 7 days before, whereby the day of the exam does not count!
exam date is Monday, 10.03. You can register until Sunday, 02.03./ 23.59 h.
- When registering for exams, please always pay attention to possible system messages.
- To check whether you have registered correctly, you should check this in your account under registered services!
You register for the exam in the course. Exceptionally, no exam registration in HIS is necessary. Please bring a copy of the certificate with your matriculation number to the Student Services. The entry will then be made manually.
Registration in HIS is not necessary. The performance record is forwarded by the examiner to the Student Services and the grade entry including the title of the project is done manually.
The registration for the final paper must be done via the Study Service. Currently, you can send the documents to the Study Service by e-mail, by mail or in-house mail. The following documents are required:
- The application for admission signed by you and the two reviewers (examiners) (you can find the application under "Study Programs"),
- the approved study plan, if you have not yet submitted it to the Study Service (you can find the study plan under "Study Programs"),
- single copy of the bachelor's degree certificate (in case of master's degree).
The assignment (in triplicate) is submitted by the examiner to the Student Services. You can pick it up at the Studienservice (room 2313, Mönchebergstr. 7) during the opening hours from the day of the start of processing.
Deregistration from an exam is possible until 23:59 the day before.
If you fall ill on the day of the examination, please submit the corresponding certificate to the Student Services immediately in accordance with the General Provisions of the Examination Regulations. As a rule, it should be available after 3 working days at the latest, as is usual in the professional environment.
In the course catalog, not only the dates of the lecture can be found under the respective course, but also the examination date from about the middle of the semester. Here, the room and the exact time are indicated and, if necessary, further information can be found under Remarks.
Please make sure that you are in the correct semester, it may be necessary to switch to the corresponding semester first.
A list of exam dates can be found around the middle of the semester under "Study programs" and under "Exam dates" in the Student Services area. This list will be updated successively.
If you notice that a registration or deregistration is not possible on the system side, please contact the Student Service in writing at studienservicefb14[at]uni-kassel[dot]de and ask for a manual registration or deregistration. Please also pay attention to the deadline (date of e-mail receipt counts).
If you feel unable to complete the exam due to health impairments during the exam, please contact the examination supervisor and have it noted accordingly that you are withdrawing from the exam due to illness and submit a corresponding certificate to the Student Services immediately.
Examination dates Current
Course Overview Current
Downloads - Compensation for disadvantages
Downloads - Oral supplementary examination
Downloads - Recognition of study and examination achievements
Student Services
Name, Forename | Contact | |
Hutschenreuter, Anna-Lena Student Services | ||
Dipl.-Ing. Vonderscher, Cécile Study coordination | ||
Romeis, Jasmin Student Services |
Practical professional studies
Name, Forename | Contact | |
Dipl.-Ing. Compart, Bettina BPS Advisor / Decentralized Student Advisory Service | Telephone +49 561 804-2643 | |
Winter, Marina Sekretariat BPS Sachbearbeitung | Telephone +49 561 804-2642 Email bpssekretariatfb14[at]uni-kassel[dot]de Website UNI - Berufspraktische Studien |