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09/04/2024 | Institute for Building Industry (IBW) | Vacancies

We are looking for student assistants for teaching in the field of construction informatics for winter semester 2024/25

Student assistants wanted in the Department of Construction Informatics (FB 14)

We are looking for student assistants to help teach Bachelor students of Civil and Environmental Engineering in both or only one of the following modules in the coming winter semester:

  • Part CAD in the module Building Construction I / Representation Technology (1st semester)
  • Fundamentals of computer science (construction informatics) (3rd semester)

You can expect the following tasks:

  • Preparation and revision of tasks and sample solutions
  • Creation of learning videos
  • Supervision of office hours

You bring with you:

  • Enjoy communicating content and supporting your fellow students.
  • Successful completion of the module Building Construction I / Representation Technology or an equivalent module with a focus on CAD, ideally with Autodesk AutoCAD software.
  • Ideally, successful completion of the module Fundamentals of Computer Science (Building Informatics) or an equivalent module including knowledge of Java or a comparable programming language.

The employment is up to 20 hours/month depending on the agreement and is limited until the end of March 2025. The payment corresponds to the specifications of the University of Kassel → Further information

If you are interested and still have questions, please contact us or write to us.
If you would like to apply, please send us your application with a short CV by email: bauinformatik[at]uni-kassel[dot]de


Department of Construction Informatics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jakob Kirchner
Institute of Construction
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mönchebergstraße 7
(Engineering Sciences III building)
Room 1213 or 1216