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01/27/2025 | Vacancies

Bicycle professorship seeks support for bicycle simulator

Interested in advancing the mobility transition? Interested in research on cycling and sustainable mobility? We are looking for a member of our interdisciplinary team in the field of cycling and local mobility:

- a:n academic:n employee (E13) from the field of mechatronics, computer science or software engineering or related degree programs for our research project "DyNaMo -

Safe and sustainable mobility in the city of tomorrow"

on cycling safety and AI. The scope of the position is 50% (can be individually adapted), the start is ideally as soon as possible. Further information can be found here:

- a:n technical:n employee (E11) in the field of mechatronics, computer science or software development. The position is 50%, ideally starting as soon as possible. Click here for more information:

If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Angela Francke, angela.francke[at]uni-kassel[dot]de. We look forward to receiving exciting applications! Thank you also for forwarding them to interested candidates!