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New publication on the processing of incinerator bottom ash (IBA) and its use in concrete

"Treatment of fine and medium fractions of MSWI bottom ash for use in concrete: A German case study"

Incinerator bottom ash is the largest solid residue after waste incineration in terms of volume. It contains metals, glass and mineral fractions. After appropriate processing, the metals are returned to the economic cycle. The mineral fraction is suitable for use in concrete due to its chemical and physical properties.


As part of this study, the fraction-specific processing of fine and medium fractions from the HMVA was examined with regard to their utilization as a partial substitute for cement and aggregates in concrete paving stones.


The publication can be accessed via the following link (Open Access):


The publication was produced as part of the HMV eco-concrete research project, which was funded by the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU - grant number: 36064/01).