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Wood Construction Vertiefer Excursion in the Lake Constance/Voralberg Region
IZM Illwerke Zentrum Montafon
Exciting guided tour with detailed explanations of the challenges during the construction process by Christoph Dünser (architect).
Müller Blaustein Holzbauwerke, Blaustein
Description of the company history and philosophy followed by a guided tour of the production facilities with Reinhold Müller (Managing Director).
Werkhof Hohenems
Explanation of the development of the structural design from the idea to the execution by Gordian Kley (structural engineer).
Stahlcon warehouse, Steinenbronn
Detailed examination of the supporting structure, particularly with regard to the requirements resulting from its use, with Michael Geiger (structural engineer).
The excursion ended in Neckartenzlingen, where, accompanied by Jürgen Brandt (local master builder), the recently completed Neckar bridge could be inspected before it was opened to pedestrian and bicycle traffic.
With many new impressions and ideas, the students and the staff of the department started their journey home.