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12/08/2020 | Study

Dealing with the corona virus

CURRENT INFORMATION about dealing with the corona virus

Information letter Examination Board (as of 29.03.2020)
Regulations of the FB 14 to ensure the administration of examinations
Information for teachers and students in the study programs of the FB 14 (Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering)

Study service exclusively
reachable by mail and phone!

In view of the skyrocketing Corona numbers, the Dean of Studies and the Chair of the Examination Board have decided to close the Study Service/Office of Examinations to the public in presence again as of Tuesday, 27.10.2020. This also affects the BPS Office and the Student Advisory Service of the Student Council.

The Student Services will continue to be available around the clock by e-mail and by telephone during the usual opening hours.

Final papers can only be sent by mail (the postmark documents that the deadline has been met).

Please check the department's and the Student Services' websites regularly for information on current developments.

Academic advising for the Bachelor's and Master's programs in Environmental Engineering is available by e-mail(vonderscher[at]uni-kassel[dot]de) and telephone (0561/804-2638).

Information on the start of studies in the winter semester 2020/2021!