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DecS research project starts
DecS uses the driver of digitalization by intelligently processing continuously recorded measurement data from an online sensor system and networking it with digital model images. DecS explores the real sustainability potential of digitized trace substance elimination and answers general questions about simulation-supported process optimization at water management plants.
The feasibility of large-scale implementation is being tested in digital real laboratories (Dülmen wastewater treatment plant, Bad Sassendorf wastewater treatment plant) in order to be able to gather concrete experience in the interaction of digital instruments in the sense of a proof of concept.
In addition to the FG Siedlungswasserwirtschaft of the University of Kassel (network coordinator), the company UNISENSOR Sensorsysteme GmbH, the research institute ifak e.V., the engineering office Weber-Ingenieure GmbH and the Lippeverband are involved in the project implementation as practice partners.
DecS is funded under the funding guideline "Digital GreenTech - Environmental Technology Meets Digitalization" as part of the BMBF action plan "Naturally.Digital.Sustainable". The duration is two years.