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06/11/2024 | Study

Review: Excursion of the Institute of Transportation to Copenhagen

As part of the first excursion week of Faculty 14, the Institute of Transportation visited the Danish capital Copenhagen together with 40 students. The focus of the four-day excursion was on the topics of mobility and transportation, so that we were able to use practical examples and lectures on site to deepen the content of the various disciplines of our institute outside the lecture halls.

For example, we cycled through the morning rush hour traffic in perfect weather and were able to experience first-hand why Copenhagen is considered one of the most bicycle-friendly cities in the world. We also learned about the relatively recent history of the autonomous metro and the measures being taken to make the construction of new metro lines as environmentally friendly as possible. The program also included a wide range of other points - from presentations on the Fehmarnbelt tunnel and the planned Öresund metro between Malmö and Copenhagen to trips on the port ferries as part of the public transport system.

Thank you once again for the great interest and the numerous registrations - we are already looking forward to the next joint excursion!