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06/17/2024 | Event

Carsten Sommer presents immediate public transport program for more passengers and less CO2

As part of the lecture series "My climate - on the road, in the green, ...", Carsten Sommer presented the immediate public transport program developed by MultiMOBIL GmbH for the transport transition by 2025. The lecture series is jointly organized by "Protect the planet" and "Saubere Energie München e.V.". Around 40 people attended the lecture live; the lecture and discussion can be viewed on YouTube.

MultiMOBIL GmbH is a spin-off from the Department of Transport Planning and Transport Systems at the University of Kassel. The company develops models, strategies and concepts to support public and private institutions in sustainable, socially and environmentally friendly transportation development. With the introduction of the Deutschlandticket in May 2023, Multimobil GmbH has developed an immediate public transport program on behalf of Greenpeace in order to achieve an entry into the traffic turnaround and increase the effectiveness of the Deutschlandticket.
You can find the immediate public transport program here.