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Name, Forename Contact
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reul, Oliver
Head of De­part­ment of Geo­tech­ni­cal En­gi­nee­ring
Reul, Oliver
Buhlinger-Aichert, Antje
Secretary of Department of Geotechnical Engineering
Buhlinger-Aichert, Antje
Corazza, Juan Ignacio (M.Sc.)
Research assistant
Corazza, Juan Ignacio
Ayicheh, Yimer Degu (M.Sc.)
PhD student
Ayicheh, Yimer Degu
Griesel, Dirk (Dipl.-Ing.)
Laboratory Engineer
Griesel, Dirk
Osterbart, Guido
Technical Employee
Osterbart, Guido
Hardt, Thomas (Dipl.Ing.)
Asscoiate Lecturer for Environmental Engineering at the University of Kassel
Hardt, Thomas
Dr.-Ing Wawrzyniak, Christian
Asscoiate Lecturer for Tunnelling at the University of Kassel
Wawrzyniak, Christian