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2020 | December | Disputation by Mr. Tim Schade

Disputation of Mr. Tim Schade

f.l.t.r.: Prof. Racky (Construction Management), Prof. Middendorf (WdBB), Mr. Schade, Prof. Fehling (Solid Construction)

The staff of the Department of Construction Materials and Construction Chemistry would like to congratulate Tim Schade on his successful dissertation.

Mr. Schade has brilliantly defended his dissertation with the topic: "Analysis and modeling of the influencing factors of rapidly solidifying high-strength inorganic composite mortars" on 17.12.2020. The disputation took place in presence with the examination board, but due to the Corona pandemic, the university public could only be connected via Zoom conference. There was a toast with the newly crowned Dr.-Ing. but the obligatory graduation ceremony could not take place. As soon as the situation allows it, this will be made up for!