Henkel, Franziska

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Fields of work

  • Integrated traffic planning
  • Traffic survey
  • Traffic modeling

supervised courses

  • Basics of traffic planning
  • Seminar empirical traffic planning


  • Identification and quantification of possible rebound effects in passenger transport.

  • Social2Mobility II:
    Enabling social participation and bicycle mobility,
    Subproject A - Model development, process evaluation, quantitative impact evaluation and recommendations, ongoing since 2022
  • Social2Mobility:
    More social participation through integrated spatial, transport and social planning,
    Subproject 1: Theoretical foundations, quantitative empirics and recommendations, completed in 2022

Publications (selection)

  • Engbers, M.; Rozynek, C.; Henkel, F.
    "Participation through cycling? Not if you don't have the money", in: Hamburgische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Gesundheitsförderung e.V. (HAG), StadtpunkteTHEMA, Bewegt euch! ...as you like it. On the diverse aspects of physical activity promotion, issue 01/2024, page 16-17, Hamburg, 2024

  • Fischer, A.; Rozynek, C.; Henkel, F.; Sommer, C.
    "Forschungsstand und Konzepte zum Zusammenhang zwischen Mobilität und sozialer Exklusion", in: Sommer, C.; Lanzendorf, M.; Engbers, M.; Wermuth, T. (eds.), Soziale Teilhabe und Mobilität. Fundamentals, instruments and measures for integrated transport and social planning, doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-42536-4, Springer VS, 2024

  • Henkel, F.; Fischer, A.; Sommer, C.
    "Mobilitätsoptionen, Mobilitätsverhalten und Mobilitätsbarrieren armutsgefährdeter Haushalte mit Kindern", in: Sommer, C.; Lanzendorf, M.; Engbers, M.; Wermuth, T. (eds.), Soziale Teilhabe und Mobilität. Fundamentals, instruments and measures for integrated transport and social planning, doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-42536-4, Springer VS, 2024

  • Henkel, F.; A.; Sommer, C.
    "Entwicklung eines Index zur Quantifizierung von Mobilitätsoptionen", in: Sommer, C.; Lanzendorf, M.; Engbers, M.; Wermuth, T. (eds.), Soziale Teilhabe und Mobilität. Fundamentals, instruments and measures for integrated transport and social planning, doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-42536-4, Springer VS, 2024

  • Fischer, A.; Henkel, F.; Sommer, C.
    "Entwicklung und exemplarische Anwendung eines Bewertungssystems mit Fokus auf soziale Wirkungen für mobilitätsbezogene Maßnahmen", in: Sommer, C.; Lanzendorf, M.; Engbers, M.; Wermuth, T. (eds.), Soziale Teilhabe und Mobilität. Fundamentals, instruments and measures for integrated transport and social planning, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-42536-4, Springer VS, 2024

  • Henkel F., Sommer C.
    "Procedure for the quantification of mobility options", in Research Association for Roads and Transportation, HEUREKA '24, Conference Documentation Online, FGSV 002/140, FGSV-Verlag, Cologne, 2024

  • Fischer, A.; Henkel, F.
    "The social and ecological dimension of the transport transition: Obstacles of people at risk of poverty in the use of eco-mobility", in: University of Kassel, Institute of Transport, Nahverkehrs-Tage 2023. Verkehrswende und ÖPNV: Wie holen wir alle an Bord, bevor der Zug abgefahren ist?, Schriftenreihe Verkehr, Heft 36, Kassel University Press, ISBN 978-3-7376-1127-5 , Kassel, 2023

  • Sommer, C.; Henkel, F.; Fischer, A.; Lanzendorf, M.; Rozynek, C.; Engbers, M.; Geschwinder, K.; Gapski, J.; Dietrich, A.-M.; Meier, N.
    "Social2Mobility Policy Brief. Preventing mobility poverty. How can social participation through mobility be enabled within the framework of integrated transport, spatial and social planning?", in:  Working Papers on Mobility Research No. 34, DOI: https: //doi.org/10.21248/gups.58871 , Working Group Mobility Research, Institute for Human Geography, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt a. M., 2023

  • Engbers, M.; Kesper, F.
    "Focusing on the case: A joint learning session between science and practice.", in: SynVer*Z: Reallabore für urbane Transformation - Methoden, Akteure und Orte experimenteller und ko-produktiver Stadtentwicklung am Beispiel der BMBF-Zukunftsstadtforschung, pp.79-84, (Available at https://www.nachhaltige-zukunftsstadt.de/downloads/SynVerZ_Sammelband_Reallabore.pdf), 2022

  • Böttger, D.; Kesper, F.; Gerhardt, N.; Ganal, I.
    "Analyse der Wirtschaftlichkeit von Investitionen in Erneuerbare Energien in Klimaschutzszenarien", in: 11th International Energy Economics Conference at the Vienna University of Technology, IEWT 2019, Vienna, 2019

Lectures (selection)

  • "Development and application of a method for quantifying mobility options"; Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting 2025; Washington, D.C., 06.01.2025
  • "Social2Mobility II - Enabling social participation and bicycle mobility"; 8th exchange meeting NRVP projects and others on mobility education; Digital, 26.09.2024
  • "Social2Mobility II: Enabling social participation and bicycle mobility"; Digitaler Salon #3 in the 2023/2024 academy year of the Mobilitätsforum Bund; Topic: Cycling promotion as health promotion; digital, 24.04.2024
  • "Procedure for the quantification of mobility options"; HEUREKA '24, Stuttgart, 13.03.2024
  • "The social and ecological dimension of the transport transition: Obstacles of people at risk of poverty when using the environmental alliance"; Nahverkehrs-Tage 2023; Verkehrswende und ÖPNV: Wie holen wir alle an Bord, bevor der Zug abgefahren ist?; Kassel, 22.09.2023
  • "Integrated consideration of the social and ecological dimension of the mobility transition: Barriers to using sustainable transport systems by people at risk of poverty"; European Transport Conference 2023; Milan, 08.09.2023
  • "Effects of multiple discrimination on mobility options - Development and application of an intersectional analysis concept using the example of the city of Ronnenberg (Hannover region)"; ARL-Congress Zukunftsfähig Mobil! How can socially just and ecologically responsible mobility be planned?; Expert session: Mobility and participation - a question of gender and intersectionality; Leipzig; 22.06.2023
  • "Mobility options and mobility behavior of people from households at risk of poverty with children - findings based on empirical studies in the Hanover region"; 6th Dortmund Conference on Spatial and Planning Research; Dortmund, 13.02.2023
  • "Development of an index for the quantification of mobility options"; University Conference on Transportation 2022; Weimar, 25-27.09.2022


2023Winning the Best Paper Award at the Local Transport Days