Institute of Transportation Engineering

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Institute of Transportation | * Executive Director
Department (A-Z)(IfV)Management
Construction and maintenance of traffic routesApl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konrad Mollenhauer
Bicycle traffic and local mobilityProf. Dr. rer. pol. Angela Francke
Traffic planning and traffic systemsProf. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Sommer
Traffic Engineering and Transport LogisticsProf. Dr.-Ing. Robert Hoyer *

Dr.-Ing. Rainer Fletling

Integrated Traffic Planning I Mobility DevelopmentProf. Dr.-Ing. Stefanie Bremer

Messages at the Institute (IfV)


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Address & Contact (IfV)

University of Kassel
Faculty 14
Civil and Environmental Engineering
IfV - Institute of Transportation
Mönchebergstraße 7

D-34125 Kassel
D-34109 Kassel (letter post)

+49 561 804-xxxx (telephone)
+49 561 804-xxxx (fax)
