Institute of Structural Mechanics

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Chairs (IBSD)

Institute of Structural Analysis and Dynamics | * Managing Director
Fields of expertise(IBSD)Management
Chair of Mechanics and DynamicsProf. Dr.-Ing. habil. Detlef Kuhl
Structural analysisProf. Dr.-Ing. Jens Wackerfuß *

Messages at the Institute (IBSD)



No news available.

Address & Contact (IBSD)

University of Kassel
Faculty 14
Civil and Environmental Engineering
IBSD - Institute for Structural Analysis and Structural Dynamics
Mönchebergstraße 7

D-34125 Kassel
D-34109 Kassel (letter post)

+49 561 804-3602 (telephone)
+49 561 804-7602 (fax)
