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- "Dimensional change in traffic and fine mobility - new perspectives on the distribution of public space"; 33rd Freiburg Mobility Talk; Freiburg, 16.01.2025
- "What affects the speed of public transport?-A new method for evaluating the speed-related quality of service"; FGSV; German Road and Transport Congress; Bonn, 24.10.2024
- "Facheinführung Master Mobilität, Verkehr und Infrastruktur"; Introduction and start of studies winter semester 2024/25; University of Kassel, 15.10.2024
- "Understanding rebound effects in passenger transport: Insights into the methodology of the University of Kassel"; Motiontag; Monday Webinar; Online, 28.08.2024
- "The immediate public transport program for the transport turnaround by 2025"; Event series "My climate - on the road, in the green and ...", Protect the planet, Saubere Energie München e.V.; Munich, 17.06.2024
- "Cost transparency in transport"; 78th Kontiki Conference: Where the passenger market goes, the beneficiary financing comes; Aachen, 06.06.2024
- "Master Public Transport and Mobility"; Information event for those interested in the course; Online, 03.06.2024
- "Introduction to the Master's in Mobility, Transport and Infrastructure"; Introduction and start of studies summer semester 2024; University of Kassel, 15.04.2024
- "Feinmobilität: Neue Perspektiven auf die Verteilung des öffentlichen Raums"; ISW seminar "Stadtlabor, Verkehrsversuch & Co.: Neue Perspektiven auf den öffentlichen Raum"; Online, 27.02.2024
- "Civil Engineering"; Study and Career Information Days 2024; University of Kassel, 14.02.2024
"Keynote speech: New mobility narratives for a successful transport transition"; UNI:Lokal; kick-off workshop of the SDG+ Dialogue 2024 - Energy Sovereignty; Kassel, 23.01.2024
"True costs in transport - a look at the status quo in the municipalities"; Open Transport Meeting; Online, 20.01.2024
"Introduction to the Master's in Public Transport and Mobility"; Introduction and start of studies winter semester 2023/24; Online, 30.10.2023
"Introductionto Master's in Mobility, Transport and Infrastructure"; Introduction and start of studies winter semester 2023/24; University of Kassel, 18.10.2023
"Introductionto Master's in Civil Engineering"; Introduction and start of studies winter semester 2023/24; University of Kassel, 17.10.2023
"Introductionto Bachelor Civil Engineering"; Introduction and start of studies winter semester 2023/24; University of Kassel, 17.10.2023
"Further development of evaluation procedures in traffic"; state exchange Baden-Württemberg, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia; online, 10.10.2023
- "How safe is public transport in a global pandemic? Simulation-based insights on the infection probability with SARS-CoV-2"; European Transport Conference 2023; Milan, 06.-08.09.2023
- "Fine mobility: Occasion, definition, classification, use cases"; VCD expert discussion; Online, 05.07.2023
- "What's going wrong? More courage in climate protection in transport"; 1st Public Transport Future Congress 2023; Future Network Public Transport; Freiburg im Breisgau, 04.07.2023
- "Master Public Transport and Mobility"; Information event for those interested in the course; Online, 01.06.2023
- "Further development of assessment procedures in transport"; Ministry of the Environment of North Rhine-Westphalia; Online, 04.05.2023
- "Cost truth in transport - a look at the status quo in the municipalities"; Fraunhofer IEE; excursion of the Bamberg municipal utilities; Kassel, 20.04.2023
- "Facheinführung Master Mobilität, Verkehr und Infrastruktur"; Introduction and start of studies summer semester 2023; University of Kassel, 11.04.2023
- "Ways to a traffic turnaround for Kassel: Integrated package of mobility measures"; ADFC; Event series "Lebenswertes Kassel"; Umwelthaus Kassel, 28.02.2023
- "Keynote speech: Future of standardized assessment"; VDV-AG Fortschreibung der Standardisieren Bewertung and FGSV-AK Weiterentwicklung der Standardisieren Bewertung; Nuremberg, 07.02.2023
- "Transformation of mobility: Faster and faster in the city - left behind in the countryside?"; Lecture series 2022/23: Transformations and the urban-rural relationship (in North Hesse); University of Kassel, 24.01.2023
- "Securing mobility in rural areas with public transport services"; 20th Hessian Mobility Congress; Forum "New approaches in public transport"; Frankfurt/Main, 03.11.2022
- "Introduction to the Master's in Mobility, Transport and Infrastructure"; Introduction and start of studies winter semester 2022/23; University of Kassel, 19.10.2022
- "Introductionto Master's in Civil Engineering"; Introduction and start of studies winter semester 2022/23; University of Kassel, 18.10.2022
- "Introductionto Bachelor of Civil Engineering"; Introduction and start of studies winter semester 2022/23; University of Kassel, 18.10.2022
- "Research project EMILIA - Development of a pandemic-resistant local public transport system, findings on the subjective risk of infection"; Phoenix Steering Committee; Online, 20.06.2022
- "Master Public Transport and Mobility"; Information event for those interested in the degree program; Online, 02.06.2022
- "Introductionto Master's in Civil Engineering"; Introduction and start of studies summer semester 2022; University of Kassel, 07.04.2022
- "Introductionto Master's in Mobility, Transport and Infrastructure"; Introduction and start of studies summer semester 2022; University of Kassel, 11.03.2022
- "Interim status of the EMILIA project - Development of a pandemic-resistant local public transport system"; Scientific Advisory Board of the VDV; Online, 11.03.2022
- "Civil engineering"; Study and career information days 2022; Online, 22.02.2022
- "Management of motorized traffic"; Hessian State Parliament; Commission of Inquiry "Mobility of the Future in Hesse 2030"; Wiesbaden, 31.01.2022
- "Ways to a traffic turnaround for Kassel: Integrated package of mobility measures"; Kassel City Forum: Kassel in climate change - strategies for a better quality of life in the city; Online, 25.01.2022
- "True costs in transport - a look at the status quo in the municipalities"; Mobilnetzwerk Hannover; Touchpoint Mobilitätswende; Online, 22.11.2021
- "Keynote speech: Are the current regulations suitable for the transport transition?"; VDV; 6th VDV acceleration seminar; Hamburg, 04.11.2021
- "Introduction to the Master's in Public Transport and Mobility"; Introduction and start of studies winter semester 2021/22; Online, 22.10.2021
- "Introductionto Master's in Mobility, Transport and Infrastructure"; Introduction and start of studies winter semester 2021/22; University of Kassel, 20.10.2021
- "Attractive public transport fares for occasional customers"; Kulturinitiative Harleshausen; Kassel, 20.10.2021
- "Introduction to Master's in Civil Engineering"; Introduction and start of studies winter semester 2021/22; University of Kassel, 19.10.2021
- "Introductionto Bachelor of Civil Engineering"; Introduction and start of studies winter semester 2021/22; University of Kassel, 19.10.2021
- "Integrated package of measures formobility"; IHK regional assembly Kassel and IHK committee for infrastructure, transport and logistics; Kassel, 29.09.2021
- "Integrated package of mobility measures"; Committee for Urban Development, Mobility and Transport of the City of Kassel; Kassel, 16.09.2021
- "Master Public Transport and Mobility"; Information event for those interested in the course; Online, 28.05.2021
- "Design of public transport services after the corona pandemic"; HOLM; Exchange of experience on business development in public transport I Part 2; Online, 26.04.2021
- "Introduction to Master's in Civil Engineering"; Introduction and start of studies summer semester 2021; Online, 12.04.2021
- "Public transport as the key to climate-friendly mobility"; Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure; 3rd date of the virtual dialog forum "Together for strong public transport"; Online, 23.03.2021
- "Civil engineering"; Study and career information days 2021; Online, 03.03.2021
- "True costs in transport - a look at the status quo in the municipalities"; Event "Mobility in transition online: Mobility - Whatever the cost?"; RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Online, 20.01.2021
- "Smart mobility in local public transport - how can the traffic turnaround succeed with the fear of Corona?"; Network Hesse-China; NetWoCon 2020, German-Chinese online format of the Hesse-China network "How smart is the new normal?"; Video conference, Homebase: Volkswagenwerk Kassel, 12.11.2020
- "Introduction to Master's in Civil Engineering"; Introduction and start of studies winter semester 2020/21; Online, 27.10.2020
- "Introductionto Bachelor Civil Engineering"; Introduction and start of studies winter semester 2020/21; University of Kassel, 26.10.2020
- "Introductionto Master's in Public Transport and Mobility"; Introduction and start of studies winter semester 2020/21; Online, 23.10.2020
- "Professorship of Cycling and Local Mobility"; Visit by the Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure Andreas Scheuer; University of Kassel, 26.06.2020
- "MOBILEETY-Talks - Public transport and two-wheelers: winners or losers of the crisis?"; EcoLibro; Online, 15.06.2020
- "Master Public Transport and Mobility"; Information event for those interested in the course; Online, 05.06.2020
- "Future of public transport for mobility in rural areas"; Web conference as part of the project "Baumobil - Building for the new mobility in rural areas"; Video conference - zoom, 08.05.2020
- "Civil engineering"; Study and career information days 2020; University of Kassel, 26.02.2020
- "How much money for which traffic? Economic evaluation of municipal transport systems"; The Urban Idea GmbH - EcoMobility Studio (HRB 708279); 12th Freiburg Mobility Talk; Freiburg i.Br., 13.02.2020
- "Professorship Cycling and Local Mobility"; Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure; Event for the handover of the funding decision; Berlin, 06.02.2020
- "The future of mobility - new ways of financing public transport"; SPD parliamentary group in the Hessian state parliament; panel discussion; Wiesbaden, 23.01.2020
- "Climate protection and transport"; Scientists for Future Kassel; Workshop of the working group "Energy scenarios"; Kassel, 01.11.2019
- "Introduction to Master's in Civil Engineering"; Introduction and start of winter semester 2019/20; University of Kassel, 15.10.2019
- "Introductionto the Bachelor of Civil Engineering"; Introduction and start of winter semester 2019/20; University of Kassel, 15.10.2019
- "How much money for which traffic?"; Heinrich Böll Foundation; Bremen, 05.09.2019
- "Integrated transport planning at universities"; Dresden University of Technology, Faculty of Transport Sciences "Friedrich List", Institute of Transport Planning and Road Traffic; 50th Transport Planning and Transport Ecology Colloquium "Designing mobility and public spaces in a university context"; Dresden, 10.07.2019
- "Customer perspective of reliable public transport"; VDV Academy in cooperation with the City of Kassel / University of Kassel / Kasseler Verkehrs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft (KVG); 5th VDV acceleration seminar: "Efficiently planning traffic light systems for public transport and ensuring quality"; Kassel, 20-21.05.2019
- "Master Public Transport and Mobility"; Information event for those interested in the course; Online, 17.05.2019
- "Costs of urban transport - What are the real costs of different modes of transport?"; IFOK GmbH; National Cycling Congress (NRVK) 2019; Dresden, 14.05.2019
- "Expert input for the panel discussion: Economic evaluation of transport in Kassel"; asta of the University of Kassel and Radentscheid Kassel; "FAHRRADGESPRÄCH" panel discussion on the future of cycling in Kassel; Kassel, 07.05.2019
- "Introduction to the Master's in Civil Engineering"; introduction and start of studies summer semester 2019; University of Kassel, 11.04.2019
- "Mobilfalt: Erfahrungen zum integrierten Ridesharing im ländlichen Raum"; Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau; 2nd Forum "Neue Mobilitätsformen": Ridepooling und Automatisiertes Fahren; Wildau, 07.03.2019
- "Civil Engineering"; Study and Career Information Days 2019; University of Kassel, 20.02.2019
- "Economic evaluation of municipal transport systems"; WK Logistik; Winter Conference 2019 of the WK Logistik; Kassel, 25.01.2019
- "What do the different means of transport cost in Kassel and elsewhere?"; UmweltHaus Kassel / ADFC; Lebenswertes Kassel - 2nd edition; Kassel, 15.01.2019
- "Anhörung zur Preis- und Ticketstruktur im ÖPNV in Bremen"; The Senator for Environment, Construction and Transport - Free Hanseatic City of Bremen; Price and ticket structure of public transport in Bremen - Hearing of the municipal deputation for environment, construction, transport, urban development, energy and agriculture; Bremen, 29.11.2018
- "Verkehrswende aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht am Beispiel Wiens"; Hannover Region; Verkehrswende! But how?"; Hanover, 26.11.2018
- "New offers for mobility in rural areas"; University of Kassel, Institute of Transport; Centralities 4.0 - medium-sized centers in the age of digitalization?; Kassel, 22.11.2018
- "Economic comparison of urban transport systems - What are the real costs of different modes of transport?"; City of Kassel; Meeting of the Committee for Urban Development, Mobility and Transport; Kassel, 21.11.2018
- "Presentation of the Vienna public transport model"; Association of German Transport Companies (VDV); Autumn conference of the Hesse regional group; Frankfurt am Main, 16.11.2018
- "What does digitalization mean for fares in public transport - new possibilities for fare design"; Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Ruhr AöR; VRR information event on the future of mobility - focus on nextTicket and check-in/be-out; Essen, 30.10.2018
- "Integrated ridesharing in rural areas: experiences, findings and recommendations"; Eckardt Software Management ESM GmbH; 6th practical seminar - on-demand transport or mobility on demand?; Hanover, 19.10.2018
- "Key role of public transport for sustainable mobility in cities and surrounding areas - short, medium and long-term strategies"; Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik gGmbH; Difu seminar "ÖPNV-Offensive in Stadt und Umland"; Berlin, 11-12.10.2018
- "Economic comparison of municipal transport systems - What are the real costs of different modes of transport?"; ADFC Landesverband Bayern e.V.; 28th ADFC Lunch Debate; Munich, 19.09.2018
- "Reliable public transport"; Road and Transport Research Association (FGSV); German Road and Transport Congress 2018; Erfurt, 12.09.2018
- "GetMobil: Ridesharing integrated into public transport in rural areas"; Oberhavel Holding Besitz- und Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH; 13th Oberhavel Transport Talks 2018 "Alliances for the mobility of tomorrow"; Ziegeleipark Mildenberg, 24.08.2018
- "Vienna model: What effects did the introduction of low-cost season tickets have?"; VDV Spartentreffen, Verbund- und Aufgabenträgerorganisation division; VDV Annual Conference 2018; Potsdam, 11.06.2018
- "Economic comparison of transport systems: What are the costs of public transport, pedestrian, cyclist, car and truck traffic in Kassel?"; Kulturinitiative Harleshausen (kih); Kassel, 21.02.2018
- "Vienna model: What effects did the introduction of low-cost season tickets have?"; DADINA - Darmstadt-Dieburg local transport organization; DADINA mobility forum "New tariff models in public transport"; Darmstadt, 01.12.2017
- "Public transport in rural areas between technological trends, demographic changes and climate protection"; Verkehrsbetriebe Nordhausen; 2nd Nordhausen Public Transport Symposium: "Between climate change, accessibility and tight finances - What's next for public transport in Thuringia?"; Nordhausen, 28.08.2017
- "Effects and potentials of integrated transport services"; Federal Environment Agency (UBA); UBA Forum mobil & nachhaltig 2017 "Die Stadt für Morgen"; Berlin, 30.03.2017
- "Economic comparison of municipal transport systems"; Verkehrsclub Deutschland e.V. (VCD); Regional members' meeting of the VCD Hessen; Friedberg, 04.03.2017
- "Flexible forms of service"; Planungsgesellschaft Nahverkehr Osnabrück (PlaNOS) ; 2nd PlaNOS symposium "Future development perspectives of public transport in the city and district of Osnabrück"; Osnabrück, 13.02.2017
- "Carpooling options integrated into public transport in rural areas"; Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen in the Bundestag; expert discussion "Without a car, left behind? - Securing mobility in rural regions"; Berlin, 23.01.2017
- "Method for the allocation of municipal transport-related expenditure and income by transport system"; German Transport Research Association, Berg and Mark District Association; Wuppertal, 19.01.2017
- "Integrated transport planning at universities"; Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg; Halle/Saale, 10.01.2017
- "Securing mobility in rural areas: positive examples and success factors"; IT Steering Committee of the German Pension Insurance; Braunschweig, 27.10.2016
- "Why does North Hesse (Germany) need integrated electromobility?"; Regionalmanagement NordHessen GmbH; FREE - Electromobility in North Hesse - From pilot project to everyday use (closing event); Kassel, 15.09.2016
- "Learning from others: insights from projects in Germany"; ADAC expert series 2016 "Securing mobility in rural areas"; Gera, 01.03.2016; Potsdam, 05.04.2016; Rastatt, 03.05.2016; Cologne, 10.05.2016; Bremen, 24.05.2016; Bingen, 31.05.2016
- "NRVP - Cost comparison between cycling, walking, motor vehicle traffic and public transport based on municipal budgets"; 35th meeting of the federal-state working group on bicycle traffic; Dresden, 05.04.2016
- "Public transport service strategies in rural areas"; BMVI workshop "Public transport in rural areas: status quo and future need for action"; Berlin, 10.12.2015
- "Mobilfalt - Integration of carpooling into public transport"; Meeting of the FGSV-AA 1.1 "Fundamental issues of transport planning"; Homberg (Ohm), 09.06.2015
- "Energiewende Nordhessen - Transport sub-study"; Lecture and discussion event "Energiewende Nordhessen - what's next?"; Kassel, 08.05.2015
- "Linking traditional public transport with sharing services: Opportunities, potential and limits"; 2nd VDV Multimodality Symposium: "Public transport: the backbone and engine of multimodal mobility"; Berlin, 28/29.04.2015
- "Cost and revenue estimation of public transport services"; VDV conference "Demographic change and rural areas - presentation of a planning strategy and guidelines for the future design of public transport services for rural areas"; Hameln, 18/19.03.2015
- "Two years of Konrad in Kassel"; Bike EXPO, Kassel, 08.02.2015
- "Digital networks and intelligent mobility"; Conference (((eTicket Deutschland, Berlin, 04/05.11.2014
- "Sustainable mobility through shared means of transport"; House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM); 12th Hessian Mobility Congress 2014; Frankfurt, 17.09.2014
- "Target groups and potentials of electromobility for leisure and tourism in North Hesse"; Regional Management North Hesse; FREE interim conference "Electromobility in North Hesse - added value for hosts and events?"; Kassel, 21.05.2014
- "Mobilfalt - experiences and interim results"; VDV Academy; symposium "Demographic change and rural areas - the future of public transport in times of difficult economic conditions"; Cologne, 20/21.03.2014
- "Bicycle couriers as an alternative in urban commercial transport"; Regionalmanagement Nordhessen; MoWin.net, AG Energie und Emissionen im Verkehr; Kassel, 11.03.2014
- "Elektromobilität - Lösung oder Hemmnis einer nachhaltigen Mobilität?"; GradZ Umwelt der University of Kassel; Lecture series "Nachhaltige Mobilität- Konzepte für den urbanen Raum"; Kassel, 19.11.2013
- "The Summer University of Kassel"; VDV Academy; 7th Personnel and Company Exchange - Public and Rail Transport; Munich, 10/11.10.2013
- "Mobilfalt - Integration of ride-sharing into public transport as a new approach for rural areas"; World Conference on Transport Research, Society; World Conference on Transport Research, WCTR 2013 Rio; Rio de Janeiro, 15-18.07.2013
- "Falling pupil numbers, ageing population - does public transport still have a chance in rural areas?"; 4th Stuttgart Public Transport Forum; Stuttgart, 27.06.2013
- "Tariff strategy against the background of long-term developments in the mobility sector"; Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund (RMV); Workshop on RMV tariff structure reform; Hofheim, 22.04.2013
- "Mobilfalt - a model for integrating car traffic into local public transport from northern Hesse"; symposium "Demographic change and rural areas - the future of local public transport in times of difficult economic conditions"; Frankfurt/Main, 21/22.03.2013
- "Bundesverkehrswegeplan 2015: Zukunftsprognosen und kritische Trends"; beka GmbH; Trend-Scout-Days 2013, Einblick(e) in die Zukunft des ÖPNV; Berlin, 30./31.01.2013
- "Current trends in mobility"; UNIKIMS, the management school of the University of Kassel; UNIKIMS lecture series; Kassel, 23.01.2013
- "The future of local transport"; public participation in the 2013 local transport plan; "Region in dialog - citizens discuss the future of local transport with experts"; Hanover, 20.11.2012
- "New further education program in public transport at the University of Kassel"; 6th VDV Personnel and Company Exchange; Kassel, 11.10.2012
- "How will people move in the future"; Expert meeting on electromobility; Wetzlar, 23.08.2012
- "Linking public transport and private transport - the Mobilfalt project in the NVV"; Rhine-Neckar Transport Association; seminar on local transport planning; Lobbach, 15.06.2012
- "Multimodality - behavior and new offers"; CESR research colloquium; Kassel, 11.06.2012
- "Partial or full survey? Practical planning tips for passenger surveys in public transport"; Introductory colloquium "Recommendations for transport surveys (EVE)"; Wuppertal, 24.05.2012
- "City logistics as a climate adaptation and climate protection measure in commercial transport for health resorts"; Implementation network for commercial transport; KLIMZUG workshop; Kassel, 15.05.2012
- "FREE - FReizeit- und Eventverkehre mit intermodal buchbaren Elektrofahrzeugen"; Mobilitätswirtschaft Nordhessen; Kongress eMobility - Lessons Learned; Kassel, 19.04.2012
- "Reduction of air pollutants in urban commercial transport"; Research association KLIMZUG Nordhessen; Symposium on climate-adapted mobility - findings and results, Klimzug Nordhessen transport projects; Kassel, 01.12.2011
- "Consequences of climate change and adaptation measures in transport"; University of Kassel, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Lecture at the graduation ceremony; Kassel, 01.11.2011
- "Shift potentials of passenger transport to the environmental alliance"; Difu seminar "Clean, quiet, climate-neutral - what can municipal transport policy achieve?"; Berlin, 8/9.09.2011
- "Entwicklung des individuellen Verkehrsverhaltens vor dem Hintergrund sich wandelnder Rahmenbedingungen"; Deutsche Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (DVWG); DVWG Jahrverkehrskongress 2011, Verkehrsinfrastrukturen im Spannungsfeld zwischen öffentlicher Akzeptanz und Finanzierbarkeit; Dresden, 06.05.2011
- "Multicriteria analysis of alternative station concepts"; Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR); Innovative mobility in cities - public bicycle rental systems: opportunities and initial experiences; Bonn, 01.12.2010
- "On the importance of young talent in the transport sector - development prospects for young transport scientists"; German Society of Transport Sciences (DVWG); 10 years of the DVWG Young Forum; Fulda, 22.10.2010
- "Urban commercial transport in the context of post-fossil mobility"; Research network KLIMZUG Nordhessen; Symposium on climate-adapted mobility - benefits and potentials for municipalities and the economy, transport projects Klimzug Nordhessen; Kassel, 01.09.2010
- "The development of mobility costs (up to 2030) and their significance for society as a whole"; Innovation Center for Mobility and Social Change (InnoZ GmbH), ACE Auto Club Europa; 13th Berlin Mobility Salon; Berlin, 22.04.2010
- "Tariff strategies against the background of demographic changes"; BEKA GmbH; BEKA seminar: Local transport plans in theory and practice; Erfurt, 23.04.2009
- "Nutzung moderner Ortungsstechnologien für Handy-Ticketing-Systeme"; Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi); Conference on Traffic Management and Traffic Technologies; Halle/Saale, 20.05.2008
- "New developments in cell phone ticketing"; Deutsche Messe AG; CeBIT in Motion, CeBIT 2007; Hanover, March 17, 2007
- "Ring&Ride - a GSM-assisted ticketing system for public transport"; Transport Card Forum; TCF-Meeting; Manchester, 30.11.2006
- "Effects of demographic and economic change on the demand for public transport"; City of Nuremberg; Symposium "125 years of public transport in Nuremberg - the future of public transport"; Nuremberg, 13.11.2006
- "The Ring&Ride research project - a mobile-supported ticketing system for public transport"; BEKA GmbH; BEKA seminar: Current status of electronic fare management; Schwäbisch Hall, 26.10.2006
- "Auswirkungen des demografischen Wandels auf die Verkehrsnachfrage im ÖPNV"; Institute for Church and Society of the Protestant Church of Westphalia; Conference: Between financing problems, demographic change and privatization - The future of public transport systems; Schwerte, 21.10.2006
- "Ring&Ride - Status and outlook"; Working group kontiki - contactless chip card systems for electronic ticketing e.V.; 27th kontiki conference; Frankfurt am Main, 28.09.2006
- "Perspectives for public transport - demographic development and its effects on public transport"; BEKA GmbH, purchasing and business company for transport companies; BEKA seminar: Local transport plans in theory and practice; Dresden, 22.03.2006
- "Ring&Ride - Multifunctional cell phone ticketing"; Deutsche Messe AG; CeBIT in Motion, CeBIT 2006; Hanover, March 11, 2006
- "Development of transport demand against the background of demographic change"; Association of Road Construction and Transport Engineers of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen e.V.; VSVI seminar: New paths in urban transport; Bremen, 23.02.2006
- "Development of demand in public transport against the background of demographic change"; Deutsche Bahn AG; 8th RegioForum of DB AG; Rostock-Warnemünde, 20.10.2005
- "Why does the road user use exactly this route?-Recording of routes and motives for route choice"; Faculty of Transport Science "Friedrich List" of the TU Dresden; 20th Transport Science Days; Dresden, 19.09.2005
- "Effects of demographic change on the development of public transport"; SRL - Association for Urban, Regional and State Planning; Public Transport Conference 2005 of the SRL specialist group "Forum Mensch und Verkehr"; Potsdam, 25.02.2005
- "Recording of traffic behavior using mobile radio technology"; Research Association for Roads and Traffic (FGSV); AK 1.11.17 "Panel surveys and methods" of the FGSV; Stuttgart, 18.11.2004
- "Mobile applications based on GSM positioning and IVR systems"; Gesamtzentrum für Verkehr Braunschweig e.V. (GZVB); IMA 2004, Information systems for mobile applications; Braunschweig, 21.10.2004
- "Stadt+Um+Land 2030 Region Braunschweig - Mobilitäts-Stadt-Region"; Forschungsgesellschaft für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen (FGSV); AK 1.1.30 "Demografische Veränderungen und Verkehr" der FGSV; Cologne, 03.03.2004
- "Benefits and acceptance of a location-based, mobile radio-supported timetable information service"; Faculty of Transport Science "Friedrich List" of the TU Dresden; 19th Transport Science Days; Dresden, 23.09.2003
- "Location- and person-related mobility services in public transport"; Gesamtzentrum für Verkehr Braunschweig e.V. (GZVB); IMA 2002, Information systems for mobile applications; Braunschweig, 17.10.2002
- "Automatische Befragung von Kunden - Verkehrsdatenerfassung per Handy"; Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Ministry of Economic Affairs, Energy and Transport of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Schienenpersonennahverkehr, Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Ruhr (VRR) and Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V.; Innovationsforum Verkehr & Mobilität; Essen, 16.07.2002
- "Telematics-based procedure for surveying traffic behavior"; Road and Transport Research Association (FGSV), Association of German Transport Companies (VDV); Heureka '02 - Optimization in Traffic and Transport; Karlsruhe, 07.03.2002
- "Impact of new technologies in travel surveys"; International Conference on Transport Survey Quality and Innovation; Kruger National Park, South Africa, 08.08.2001
- "TTS TeleTravel System - Telematics system for the automatic recording of travel behavior"; Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF); Workshop "Methods"; Bonn, 01.03.2001
- "TTS TeleTravel System - a telematics system for recording traffic demand"; German Aerospace Center (DLR); Lecture series "T": Traffic telematics, mobility services, transport logistics; Neustrelitz, 30.03.2000
- "TeleTravel System (TTS) - Telematic system for the automatic survey of travel behavior"; VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft; 9th IFAC Symposium Control in Transportation Systems 2000; Braunschweig, 14.06.2000
- "Recording of long-distance traffic by means of telematics"; Bauhaus University Weimar; University Conference "Road and Transportation Engineering" 1999; Weimar, 20.09.1999
- "Quality control in reinforced concrete construction with the aid of virtual reality"; Institute for Construction Informatics at the TU Hannover; 7th Forum Construction Informatics; Hannover, 28.09.1995