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Dipl.-Ing. M. Sc. Daniel Leonhäuser
Research assistant

- Telephone
- +49 561 804-3019
- Leonhaeuser[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
- Location
- Mönchebergstraße 7
34125 Kassel
- Room
- Ingenieurwissenschaften III, Room 2113
- Consultation Hours
By arrangement
Fields of work
- Integrated transport planning
- Tariffs and electronic ticketing in public transport
- Data Science
- U-hoch-3: Unbeschwert urban unterwegs (second project phase); ongoing since 2019
- Conceptual design of an EFM-based fare for the Greater Nuremberg Transport Authority; completed in 2019.
- FlexiTariffs: Development, application and impact assessment of flexible tariffs based on EFM systems; completed in 2018
- NRVP 2020 - What are the real costs of different modes of transport? - Further development of the method for comparing revenues and expenses of different transport modes based on municipal budgets and development of a tool for independent application of the method in municipalities; completed in 2017
- Analysis of microscopic usage data as a basis for flexible fare development; completed in 2016.
- Model-based estimation of transport demand and revenues in the KVG network; completed in 2016.
- Environmental and cost benefits of selected innovative mobility and transport concepts in urban passenger transport / effects of environmentally oriented transport concepts on municipal budgets; completed in 2015.
- What do cycling, walking, public transport and motor vehicle traffic cost a municipality? - Development and application of a method for comparing revenues and expenses of different transport modes based on municipal budgets; completed in 2014.
- German Society of Transport Sciences (DVWG)
- Network Public Transport in Education and Research
- FGSV Working Committee 1.2 "Survey and forecast of traffic"
- Leonhäuser, D.; Sommer, C.
"Estimation of demand effects of new flexible tariff products in electronic fare management systems for public transport by combining survey and passive observation data", in: Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 76, 2024, Pages 208-221, Elsevier, 2024 - Faulhaber, A. K.; Hegenberg, J.; Kahnt, S. E.; Lambrecht, F.; Leonhäuser, D.; Saake, St.; Wehr, F.; Schmidt, L.; Sommer, C.
"Development of a Passenger Assistance System to Increase the Attractiveness of Local Public Transport", in: Sustainability 2022, 14, 4151, MDPI, Switzerland, Basel, 2022 - Sommer, C.; Saighani, A.; Leonhäuser, D.
"Economic evaluation of urban transport systems: Costs of urban transport - What are the real costs of different modes of transport?", Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2021 - Leonhäuser, D.; Sommer, C.
"Flexible fares for local public transport", in: Road and Transportation Research Association, HEUREKA '21, Conference Documentation Online, FGSV 002/127, FGSV-Verlag, Cologne, 2021 - Leonhäuser, D.; Sommer, C.
"New tariffs for electronic fare management systems in public transport", in: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency, TRA 2020 - Rethinking transport (Conference canceled) (accepted for publication), Finnish Transport and Communications Agency, Helsinki, 2020 - Leonhäuser, D.; Dietrich, A.-M.; Sommer, C.; Sauer, J.
"Flexible tariffs in practice test", in: DER NAHVERKEHR, issue 10/2019, page 66 - 70, DVV Media Group GmbH, Hamburg, 2019 - Leonhäuser, D.; Sommer, C.
"Entwicklung und Wirkungsermittlung flexibler Tarife in EFM-Systemen", in: Nahverkehrs-Tage 2019. Finanzierung des öffentlichen Verkehrs: zwischen leistungsorientierten E-Tarifen, preisgünstigen Flats und Drittnutzerfinanzierung, Schriftenreihe Verkehr, Heft 30, Kassel University Press, ISBN 978-3-7376-0752-0 (print), 978-3-7376-0753-7 (E-Book), Kassel, 2019 - Saighani, A.; Leonhäuser, D.; Sommer, C.
"Verfahren zur ökonomischen Bewertung städtischer Verkehrssysteme", in: Straßenverkehrstechnik, Jahrgang 61, Heft 10, S. 695 - 704 , Kirschbaum-Verlag, Bonn, 2017 - Leonhäuser, D.; Sommer, C.
"Analyse der Nutzungsdaten aus E-Ticketing-Systemen", in: University of Kassel, Institut für Verkehrswesen, Nahverkehrs-Tage 2017. Digital und Disruptiv - Neue Daten und Methoden für einen kundengerechten ÖPNV, Schriftenreihe Verkehr, Heft 28, Kassel University Press, ISBN 978-3-7376-0370-6 (print), 978-3-7376-0371-3 (E-Book), Kassel, 2017 - Saighani, A.; Leonhäuser, D.
"Economic comparison of urban transportation systems", in: Conference proceedings Heureka `17 - Optimization in Traffic and Transport, FGSV Verlag, Cologne, 2017 - Sommer, C.; Leonhäuser, D.; Mucha, E.
"Effects of environmentally oriented traffic concepts on the municipal budget", Final report - long version, Federal Environment Agency, Dessau-Roßlau, 2016 - Sommer, C.; Leonhäuser, D.
"Methode zur Aufteilung der kommunalen verkehrsbezogenen Aufwendungen und Erträge nach Verkehrssystemen", in: Handbuch der kommunalen Verkehrsplanung, VDE-Verlag, Berlin, 2016 - Sommer, C.; Leonhäuser, D.
"Kostenvergleich für kommunale Verkehrssysteme - Entwicklung und Anwendung einer Methode zur Aufteilung der kommunalen Zuschüsse nach Verkehrssystemen", in: Straße und Autobahn, Jahrgang 66, Heft 3, Kirschbaum-Verlag, Bonn, 2015 - Leonhäuser, D.
"Konrad - das Fahrradverleihsystem in Kassel", in: Deutsche Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V., DVWG aktuell, Berlin, 2014
Lectures (selection)
- "Estimation of public transport usage by combining survey and passive observation data"; 12th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods; Porto Novo, Portugal, 22.03.2022
- "Developmentand impact assessment of flexible tariffs in EFM systems"; Nahverkehrs-Tage 2019: "Financing public transport: between performance-oriented e-tariffs, low-cost flat rates and third-party user financing"; Kassel, 20.09.2019
- "Development and impact assessment of flexible tariff products for electronic fare management systems in local public transport"; University of Innsbruck, Department of Intelligent Transport Systems; University Conference on Transport 2018; Obergurgl, 23-25.09.2018
- "Analysis of usage data from e-ticketing systems";
Public Transport Days 2017: "Digital and disruptive - new methods for customer-oriented public transport"; Kassel, 21.09.2017 - "Analysis of Konrad usage - extrapolation and evaluation of a station survey"; connected 8.0; Osnabrück, 16.10.2014
- "Intermodal fares"; 6th VDV personnel and company exchange; Kassel, 11.10.2012