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Announcement seminar empirical traffic planning

Entenanger is a centrally located square in downtown Kassel, the upper part of which is used as a parking lot. For some time now, there have been plans to redesign the square in order to increase the quality of stay. A redesign in 2009 failed due to the resistance of the adjacent businesses, as it was planned to reduce the number of parking spaces to half.

As part of the empirical traffic planning seminar, a survey of patrons who park at Entenanger is to be conducted in the summer semester of 2022. The survey is intended to provide insight into the reasons why guests use the parking areas and what would happen if no or fewer parking spaces were available due to a redesign of the plaza. The participating students develop a survey concept and a questionnaire for this purpose and conduct the survey independently.

The processing of the seminar topic takes place as independent group work. Consultations and arrangements with the supervisor can be arranged flexibly. The introductory meeting will take place on 25.04.2022 at 2 pm in room 2215.

Please register for the seminar at k.hager[at]uni-kassel[dot]de.