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Participation in the hybrid open day on the topic of "Coworking Nordhessen" on 26.04.2022

On 26.04. the Hybrid Open Day on the topic of "Coworking in North Hesse" will take place. The event is a part of the project MOSACA - Mobile Working in Satellite Offices and Carsharing. A network of 9 coworking spaces throughout North Hesse invites you to get to know them. The program consists of tours, workshops, discussions, panels and a New Work Night.

As part of the mobility session from 13:15 to 14:45, Dr.-Ing. Melanie Herget, representing the VPVS department, will give an impulse on reducing rebound effects on different levels and participate in the panel discussion on commuter mobility 2035.

Link to the program and participating coworking spaces:

Download the program

Recording of the event: