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11/15/2023 | Research | Project

Fine mobility project publishes technical standard for the classification of mobility aids by size (G classes)

As part of the project "Mobility with human scale - fine mobility for environmental and climate protection, urban quality and quality of life", the department and its partners have published a technical standard for the size classification of means of transport (G-Classification for short). The G-Classification classifies means of transport, i.e. vehicles and mobility aids, into seven size classes according to the criterion of space taken up, which are named after product sizes: XXS, XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL. This makes it possible to address both the increasing variety of small, light and maneuverable mobility aids and the growth in the size of passenger cars on the basis of objective dimensions. Further information can be found at

Technical standard for the classification of means of transport according to size (G classes)