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02/27/2024 | Research

Sophie Kahnt and Carsten Sommer present the concept and possible applications of fine mobility

At the ISW seminar "Stadtlabor, Verkehrsversuch & Co. - Neue Perspektiven auf den öffentlichen Raum" , Sophie Kahnt and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Sommer presented results from the research project "Mobilität mit menschlichem Maß - Feinmobilität für Umwelt- und Klimaschutz, Stadt- und Lebensqualität". In addition to the background and definition of fine mobility, the developed size classification of vehicles and mobility aids (G-classes) and the possible applications of this size classification were presented. The main possible applications include parking space dimensions according to size classes, size-differentiated parking fees and new design elements in moving traffic.
You can find the presentation here