Topics for project work / Master

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In recent years, new methods have been developed to record mobility behaviour thanks to the possibilities of digitalization (observations of behaviour using mobile devices, colloquially known as "tracking apps"). Regardless of the survey method, the same data on mobility behavior is generally relevant: source and destination as well as start and end times, means of transport used and the purposes of all trips made within a defined period (often one day). This raises the question of the extent to which the collected data is comparable and which methodological effects become apparent.

The aim is to conduct a separate survey in which a small sample of people will fill out a traditional travel diary based on a survey and also use a tracking app. The data is to be compared and systematic deviations and differences identified. Previous knowledge of R is helpful, but not necessary. Both the tracking app and the route diary already exist, but the survey is to be carried out by you.

The car is the German's favorite child, while public transport ekes out an existence as a viral virus, and not just since Corona. And yet public transport, in contrast to private cars, is in line with the latest climate protection targets and the necessary change in traffic patterns. So why is driving a car so cool - but not taking the bus?

In this paper, we will examine the current tensions between public transport (pandemic, passenger numbers, 1.5°C target, provision of public services and economic efficiency), the image campaigns on public transport and how they are presented. The focus of the analysis will be on research and interviews with experts.

The aim of the work is to evaluate the different image campaigns on the basis of various criteria to be developed and to provide answers to the questions:

  • What can public transport learn from the automotive industry?
  • Are the advantages of public transport actually communicated adequately?
  • How can the traffic turnaround be used to place public transport attractively "on the market"?

In the course of the Covid-19 pandemic, location-independent working has increased significantly worldwide. The aim of this study is to investigate how selected works councils and trade unions currently view the topic of coworking spaces and location-independent working, what similarities and differences are seen between working from home versus working in coworking spaces, how the risk of traffic rebound effects is assessed and what ideas there are about future developments.

To this end, an interview guide is to be developed to determine the attitudes and assessments of employees and trade union representatives regarding coworking spaces and location-independent working. This interview guide is to be used to conduct a pre-test based on 3-4 interviews. The interviews can be conducted in person or online. They are to be documented in progress reports and evaluated using Mayring's summarizing qualitative content analysis.

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