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Marie Eichenberg

On the student council since 09/2021

Eichenberg, Marie

Task area  (Marie Eichenberg)

Tutor, main representative Faculty Council, main representative Board of Studies, deputy Examination Board, student council member

I study...  (Marie Eichenberg)

Environmental Engineering (Bachelor), and because that was a bit too little for me, Civil Engineering (Bachelor)

Where do I come from?  (Marie Eichenberg)

Westuffeln. Every few days you can watch an airplane in the sky from here, as the runway from Kassel-Calden airport sometimes passes over this pretty little village. But it is more of an attraction.

My favorite place on campus  (Marie Eichenberg)

The student council room. I can concentrate best when there are heated discussions going on that don't interest me, or someone is goofing off somewhere.

My favorite module during my studies so far  (Marie Eichenberg)

Clearly thermodynamics.


How I joined the student council:  (Marie Eichenberg)

I was simply invited when I was particularly defenceless and then I forgot to cancel, then I had to go to a student council meeting, and then I stayed

Do I feel comfortable in Kassel?  (Marie Eichenberg)

North Holland, place to be

My favorite word/saying that I say all the time and my friends are probably already annoyed by it or have already adopted it:  (Marie Eichenberg)

Schnischnaschnu, I have a stone in my shoe

My favorite joke  (Marie Eichenberg)

Two hunters meet...

My neologism, which should become generally accepted  (Marie Eichenberg)


Why I study what I study:  (Marie Eichenberg)

I like soil.
And water.

I think I especially like mud.