Academic advising

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In addition to the official student advising of the Student Services, the Student Council also offers student advising. So to speak, an advisory service by students for students.

And not only first-year students, also higher semesters can benefit from this service.

Possible topics of the student advisory service are:

  • Timetable planning

  • Exam preparation / organization

  • Choice of major

  • study planning

  • and much more.

If you have any questions or problems, you are welcome to contact our student advisor Nina Slopianka at the following e-mail address: ServCentFB14[at]uni-kassel[dot]de. Counseling sessions take place by appointment by e-mail in the SSC (room 3517).

If you have short, minor questions, you can of course still contact our student assistants in the Service Center during their opening hours or drop by the student council room.


Nina Slopianka

On the student council since 09/2021

Mönchebergstraße 7
34125 Kassel
Ingenieurwissenschaften III, 3517
Consultation Hours

By arrangement

Task area  (Nina Slopianka)

Student Advisory Service

I study...  (Nina Slopianka)

Environmental Engineering (Bachelor)

Where do I come from?  (Nina Slopianka)

Borken (NRW)

My favorite place on campus  (Nina Slopianka)

Bench by the stairs to the administration building

My favorite module during my studies so far  (Nina Slopianka)


How I joined the student council:  (Nina Slopianka)

Franzi has lured me in

Do I feel comfortable in Kassel?  (Nina Slopianka)

Not so much at first, but over time I learned to love Kassel

My favorite word/saying that I say all the time and my friends are probably already annoyed by it or have already adopted it:  (Nina Slopianka)

It changes from O to O;
In the winter months: It is what it is
In the summer months: No worries

My favorite joke:  (Nina Slopianka)

Standard period of study

Why I study what I study:  (Nina Slopianka)

This had been the best option when eliminating life path ideas