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Irene Papendieck

On the student council since 08/2021

Papendieck, Irene

Task area  (Irene Papendieck)

Deputy member of the study committee, member of the student council

I study...  (Irene Papendieck)

Environmental Engineering (Bachelor)

Where do I come from?  (Irene Papendieck)


My favorite place on campus  (Irene Papendieck)

The pavilion in front of the library has a second floor. I like to sit outside there.

My favorite module during my studies so far  (Irene Papendieck)

Technical English for civil and environmental engineers

How I joined the student council:  (Irene Papendieck)

Franzi gave me a lift and then I stayed

Do I feel comfortable in Kassel?  (Irene Papendieck)

I feel comfortable on campus (HoPla) and in my student union apartment.

My favorite joke  (Irene Papendieck)

If seven beers equals one steak, what's 70 beers? Meat poisoning XD

Why I study what I study:  (Irene Papendieck)

Because I enjoy it, I'm good at it and it soothes my conscience.