The influence of tie plates on the lateral-torsional buckling strength of steel I-beams.

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Torsional buckling is a complex spatial loss of stability that reduces the load-bearing capacity of steel beams, resulting in heavier sections and thus higher steel consumption.
In this research, the application of a novel measure to increase the BDK resistance of steel I-beams is analyzed, namely the use of tie plates placed between the flanges.

This research aims to quantify the positive effect of bonding plates through experimental, numerical and analytical investigations.

The aim is to provide tools with practical design rules that can be used to determine the positive effect of tie plates in the course of structural design, which will lead to lighter and more economical steel structures.

This research project will be carried out in two stages: The first stage includes theoretical-numerical studies on the BDK resistance of beams with tie plates.

The second phase involves the practical investigation of steel plates and their role in lateral-torsional buckling using laboratory tests



Grant from the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation of Montenegro, Podgorica