Strategies for earthquake retrofitting of the large bazaar in Tabriz, Iran

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The Grand Bazaar of Tabriz in Iran is an important historical complex and the largest masonry building in the world, which was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2010. In addition to its function as a commercial center, the Tabriz Bazaar also houses caravanserais, schools, mosques, timchehs, etc., each of which has its own historical value.

The Tabriz bazaar was severely damaged by an earthquake 300 years ago. The problem aims to evaluate the seismic vulnerability of the masonry structure using a digital constraint.


This research project will be carried out in two phases: The first phase includes the literature review and numerical modeling studies for the creation of the digital twin. The second phase consists of experimental studies.

The first phase will be carried out by Dr. Kheirollahi during the six-month research stay at the University of Kassel.

Based on the assessment of the seismic vulnerability of the structure, priorities for the strengthening measures will be determined.


German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Project partner:

Prof. Mohammad Reza Chenaghlou, Sahand University of Technology