Laboratory of the steel construction department

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Clamping field strength laboratory

Using different clamping frames and test cylinders, single and multi-axis component tests with static loads of up to 1.0 MN can be carried out.

Base area 5 m x 5 m
Maximum component height approx. 2.0 m  
Grid dimension of clamping sleeves 1200 mm

Wolpert U30 universal testing machine

2-column testing machine for tensile and 3-point bending tests

maximum test force static +/-300 kN
maximum component width approx. 0.3 m  
maximum component height approx. 0.5 m
maximum component length in 3-point bending test 1.0 m

Metallography laboratory

The department has a metallography laboratory with the following equipment

  • Cutting, grinding and polishing machine for sample preparation
  • Vickers hardness tester Wolpert Dia Testor 2N
  • Microscope


Carrying out component tests

Taking samples from metallic materials

Determination of mechanical technological properties:

  • Yield strength
  • tensile strength
  • Elongation at break / constriction at break
  • Notch impact energy
  • Weld-on bending test

Preparation of macrosections and microsections to determine the microstructure

Hardness measurement

Determination of the weldability of old steels